uhd_rx_cfile - Man Page
Save UHD received data
uhd_rx_cfile: [options] output_filename
Save I&Q data to a complex file for later use.
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -a ARGS, --args=ARGS
UHD device address args , [default=]
- --spec=SPEC
Subdevice of UHD device where appropriate
- -A ANTENNA, --antenna=ANTENNA
select Rx Antenna where appropriate
- --samp-rate=SAMP_RATE
set sample rate (bandwidth) [default=1000000.0]
- -f FREQ, --freq=FREQ
set frequency to FREQ
- -g GAIN, --gain=GAIN
set gain in dB (default is midpoint)
- -s, --output-shorts
output interleaved shorts instead of complex floats
- -N NSAMPLES, --nsamples=NSAMPLES
number of samples to collect [default=+inf]
- -v, --verbose
verbose output
- --lo-offset=LO_OFFSET
set daughterboard LO offset to OFFSET [default=hw default]
See Also
Referenced By
dial_tone(1), uhd_fft(1), uhd_rx_nogui(1).
2025-02-20 uhd_rx_cfile