udpdump - Man Page

Provide a UDP receiver that gets packets from network devices (like Aruba routers) and exports them in PCAP format.


udpdump--help ] [ --version ] [ --extcap-interfaces ] [ --extcap-dlts ] [ --extcap-interface=<interface> ] [ --extcap-config ] [ --capture ] [ --fifo=<path to file or pipe> ] [ --port=<port> ] [ --payload=<type> ]


udpdump is a extcap tool that provides a UDP receiver that listens for exported datagrams coming from any source (like Aruba routers) and exports them in PCAP format. This provides the user two basic functionalities: the first one is to have a listener that prevents the localhost to send back an ICMP port-unreachable packet. The second one is to strip out the lower layers (layer 2, IP, UDP) that are useless (are used just as export vector). The format of the exported datagrams are EXPORTED_PDU, as specified in https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/-/raw/master/epan/exported_pdu.h



Print program arguments.


Print program version.


List available interfaces.


Use specified interfaces.


List DLTs of specified interface.


List configuration options of specified interface.


Start capturing from specified interface save saved it in place specified by --fifo.

--fifo=<path to file or pipe>

Save captured packet to file or send it through pipe.


Set the listener port. Port 5555 is the default.


Set the payload of the exported PDU. Default: data.


To see program arguments:

udpdump --help

To see program version:

udpdump --version

To see interfaces:

udpdump --extcap-interfaces

Example output

interface {value=udpdump}{display=UDP Listener remote capture}

To see interface DLTs:

udpdump --extcap-interface=udpdump --extcap-dlts

Example output

dlt {number=252}{name=udpdump}{display=Exported PDUs}

To see interface configuration options:

udpdump --extcap-interface=udpdump --extcap-config

Example output

arg {number=0}{call=--port}{display=Listen port}{type=unsigned}{range=1,65535}{default=5555}{tooltip=The port the receiver listens on}

To capture:

udpdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --fifo=/tmp/randpkt.pcapng --capture


To stop capturing CTRL+C/kill/terminate the application.

See Also

wireshark(1), tshark(1), dumpcap(1), extcap(4)


udpdump is part of the Wireshark distribution.  The latest version of Wireshark can be found at https://www.wireshark.org.

HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at https://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages.


Original Author
Dario Lombardo <lomato[AT]gmail.com>

