tssloadexternal - Man Page
Runs tssloadexternal
Runs TPM2_LoadExternal
- [-hi
hierarchy (e, o, p, n) (default NULL)]
- [-nalg
name hash algorithm (sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512) (default sha256)]
- [-halg
scheme hash algorithm (sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512) (default sha256)]
- [Asymmetric Key Algorithm]
[-rsa (default)]
[-ecc ]
- [Input]
-ipu TPM2B_PUBLIC public key file name
-ipem PEM format public key file name
-ider DER format plaintext key pair file name
[-pwdk password for DER key (default empty)]
[-uwa userWithAuth attribute clear (default set)]
- [Key Type]
[-si signing (default)]
[-st decryption]
[-den decryption]
- [-scheme
for signing key: rsassa (default) rsapss null ]
for decryption key: rsapkcs1 rsaoaep null (default) ]
- [-ns
additionally print Name in hex ascii on one line] Useful to paste into policy
-se[0-2] session handle / attributes (default NULL)
01 continue
20 command decrypt
40 response encrypt
80 audit
Depending on the build configuration, some hash algorithms may not be available.