ts_print_mt - Man Page

A very basic multitouch test routine for tslib.


ts_print_mt [OPTION]


ts_print_mt simply reads tslib multitouch input samples and prints them to the console.

-i,  --idev

Explicitly choose the original input event device for tslib to use. Default: the environment variable TSLIB_TSDEVICE's value.

-r,  --raw

Don't use the filters. This uses ts_read_raw_mt() instead of ts_read_mt(). This replaces the ts_print_raw_mt program.

-n,  --non-blocking

Opens the input device in non-blocking mode and indefinitely prints the error codes while no samples are received.

-s,  --samples

Number of samples tslib should read before returning.

-j,  --slots

Override the number of concurrent touch contacts to allocate.

-h,  --help

Print usage help and exit.

See Also

ts.conf (5), ts_test (1), ts_test_mt (1), ts_calibrate (1)

