transmission-create - Man Page

command-line utility to create .torrent files

Examples (TL;DR)


transmission-create[-h] [-p] [-o file] [-c comment] [-t tracker] [-s piece-size-KiB] [source file or directory]


transmission-create creates BitTorrent .torrent files from the command line


-h --help

Show a short help page and exit.

-o --outfile

Save the generated .torrent to this filename.

-p --private

Flag the torrent as intended for use on private trackers.

-c --comment

Add a comment to the torrent file.

-s --piecesize

Set how many KiB each piece should be, overriding the preferred default

-r --source

Set the torrent's source for private trackers

-t --tracker

Add a tracker's announce URL to the .torrent. Most torrents will have at least one announce URL. To add more than one, use this option multiple times.


Omit the optional "created by" and "created date" keys from the generated torrent which otherwise default to the Transmission version number and the current date.


Charles Kerr and Mike Gelfand.

See Also

transmission-create(1), transmission-daemon(1), transmission-edit(1), transmission-gtk(1), transmission-qt(1), transmission-remote(1), transmission-show(1)

Referenced By

transmission-cli(1), transmission-daemon(1), transmission-edit(1), transmission-gtk(1), transmission-qt(1), transmission-remote(1), transmission-show(1).

June 9, 2010