tracker3-search - Man Page

Search for content by type or across all types


tracker3 search [options...] [resource-type] <search-terms>


tracker3 search searches all indexed content for the given search terms. Results are returned in ascending order.


One or more words to search for. When multiple terms are provided, the default operation is a logical AND. For logical OR operations, see -r.

If no search terms are supplied but a resource-type is given (like --folders for example), then ALL items in that category are returned.

Only resources which currently exist will be returned by this command (see --all for more information).

Resource Types

-f,  --files

Search for files of any type matching search-terms.

-s,  --folders

Search for folders matching search-terms.

-m,  --music

Search for music files matching search-terms.


Search for music albums matching search-terms.


Search for music artists matching search-terms.

-i,  --images

Search for images matching search-terms.

-v,  --videos

Search for videos matching search-terms.

-t,  --documents

Search for documents matching search-terms.


Search for software installed matching search-terms. Returns a list of desktop files and application titles found.


Search for software categories matching search-terms. Returns a list of urns and their categories (e.g. Settings, Video, Utility, etc).


Search through RSS feed information matching search-terms. Returns a list of those found.


-l,  --limit=<limit>

Limit search to limit results. The default is 10 or 512 with --disable-snippets.

-o,  --offset=<offset>

Offset the search results by offset. For example, start at item number 10 in the results. The default is 0.

-r,  --or-operator

Use OR for search terms instead of AND (the default)

-d,  --detailed

Show the unique URN associated with each search result. This does not apply to --music-albums and --music-artists.

-a,  --all

Show results which might not be available. This might bebecause a removable media is not mounted for example. Without this option, resources are only shown if they exist. This option applies to all resource types except for --music-artists, --software, --software-categories and --feeds.


Results are shown with snippets. Snippets are context around the word that was searched for in the first place. This gives some idea of if the resource found is the right one. Snippets require Full Text Search to be compile time enabled AND to not be disabled with --disable-fts. Using --disable-snippets only shows the resources which matched, no context is provided about where the match occurred.


If Full Text Search (FTS) is available, this option allows it to be disabled for one off searches. This returns results slightly using particular properties to match the search terms (like "nie:title") instead of looking for the search terms amongst ALL properties. It is more limiting to do this, but sometimes searching without FTS can yield better results if the FTS ranking is off.


This disables any ANSI color use on the command line. By default this is enabled to make it easier to see results.

See Also

tracker3-status(1), tracker3-tag(1), tracker3-info(1).

Referenced By

tracker3-tag(1), tracker-miner-rss-3(1).

08/06/2024 3.7.3 Tracker manual