tirm - Man Page

delete files from a graphing calculator


tirm [ options ] variable-pattern ...


tirm remotely deletes variable and/or program files from a connected TI graphing calculator.  (Note that only newer calculators support remote file deletion.)

You can specify exact variable names to be deleted (such as `FOO.8xp'), or use wildcards to delete all files matching a certain pattern (such as `*.83l').  (Remember that if you use wildcards, you must enclose the pattern in quotes so that the shell will not try to interpret the pattern itself.)

Other Options

-v,  --verbose

Print out details of link operations.


Print out program version information.


Print out program version information.

Environment Variables


Default link cable to use, if the -c option is not specified.


Default calculator model to use, if the -m option is not specified.


Default timeout value in milliseconds.

See Also

tiget(1), tiinfo(1), tikey(1), tils(1), tiput(1), tiscr(1)


Benjamin Moody <floppusmaximus@users.sf.net>

Referenced By

tiget(1), tiinfo(1), tikey(1), tils(1), tiput(1), tiscr(1).

August 2010 TITools 0.1