tinysparql-query - Man Page

Query to SPARQL endpoints.


tinysparql query [(-d |--database) <file> | (-b | --dbus-service) <busname> | (-r | --remote-service) <url>]
    (-f | --file) <file>] [(-u | --update)] [-a <parameter>:<value>]... [SPARQL]


This command allows running queries or updates on a SPARQL endpoint.

When the caller runs a query, the query is in the SPARQL language. This can be done two ways. Either by providing a file with the query or by providing a string with the sparql query.

The file argument can be either a local path or a URI. It also does not have to be an absolute path.


-b,  --dbus-service=<service_name>

Connects to a SPARQL endpoint at a D-Bus name.

-d,  --database-path=<database_path>

Connects to a database by location in the filesystem.

-r,  --remote-service=<url>

Connects to a HTTP SPARQL endpoint.

-f,  --file=<file>

Use a file with SPARQL content to query or update.

-u,  --update

This has to be used with --query. This tells "tinysparql query" to use the SPARQL update extensions so it knows it isn’t a regular data lookup request. So if your query is intended to change data in the database, this option is needed.

-a,  --arg=<parameter>:<value>

Provides an argument for a parameter declared in the SPARQL query string. This may be used with --file, --query or --update. Multiple arguments may be provided for multiple parameters. Argument values are provided as a colon separated string containing 3 values: name, type and value. The name is the same as used in the query string, the value is the desired value, and the type is a single-character string defining the type:

  • i: The value will describe an integer
  • d: The value will describe a floating point number
  • b: The value will describe a boolean
  • s: The value will describe a plain string


Querying a D-Bus endpoint

$ tinysparql query --dbus-service org.example.Endpoint "SELECT ('Hello World' AS ?str) {}"

Updating a database directly from a query in a file

$ tinysparql query --database /tmp/db/ --update --file ./update.rq

Using --arg to provide a arguments to query parameters

$ tinysparql query -b org.example.Endpoint \
    -a name:s:"John" -a age:i:42 -a available:b:true \
    "SELECT (~name AS ?name) (~age AS ?age) (~available AS ?avail) { }"

See Also




03/03/2025 3.9.rc TinySPARQL manual