timew-summary - Man Page

display a time-tracking summary


timew summary [<range>] [<tag>...]
timew summary [<id>...]


Displays a table summarizing tracked time, by default for the current day. Accepts date ranges (or range hints) and tags, or ids for filtering.

When ids are given, date ranges are ignored. Specifying both, tags and ids, is an error.


Apart from range hints (see timew-hints(7)), the summary report adheres to the following hints:

:annotations,  :no-annotations

Toggle the display of annotations in the summary report. Can be used on the command line to override the configured setting. The ':annotations' hint adds an 'Annotation' column to the summary table. The annotation column is limited to 15 characters. Longer values in this column are truncated to 12 characters and shown with an ellipsis attached.

:holidays,  :no-holidays

Toggle the display of holidays in the summary report. Can be used on the command line to override the configured setting.

:ids,  :no-ids

Toggle the display of ids in the summary report. Can be used on the command line to override the configured setting. The ':ids' hint adds an 'ID' column to the summary table. Those ids can be used for interval modification.

:tags,  :no-tags

Toggle the display of tags in the summary report. Can be used on the command line to override the configured setting. The ':tags' hint adds a 'Tags' column to the summary table.



Determines whether the annotation column is shown in the summary. Can be overridden by the ':annotations' or ':no-annotations' hint, respectively. Default value is 'no'


Determines whether relevant holidays are shown beneath the report. Can be overridden by the ':holidays' or ':no-holidays' hint, respectively. Default value is 'yes'.


Determines whether the id column is shown in the summary. Can be overridden by the ':ids' or ':no-ids' hint, respectively. Default value is 'no'.


Determines whether the tags column is shown in the summary. Can be overridden by the ':tags' or ':no-tags' hint, respectively. Default value is 'yes'.


Set the date range for the summary report. The value has to correspond to a range hint, see timew-hints(7). Default value is 'day'


Determines whether the weekday column is shown in the summary. Default value is 'yes'


Determines whether the week column is shown in the summary. Default value is 'yes'


Assigns a specific foreground and background color to a tag. Examples of valid colors include 'white', 'gray8', 'black on yellow', and 'rgb345'.

See Also

timew-day(1), timew-hints(7), timew-lengthen(1), timew-modify(1), timew-month(1), timew-shorten(1), timew-tag(1), timew-untag(1), timew-week(1)

Referenced By

timew(1), timew-annotate(1), timew-chart(1), timew-gaps(1), timew-lengthen(1), timew-modify(1), timew-move(1), timew-resize(1), timew-retag(1), timew-shorten(1), timew-tag(1), timew-untag(1).

2024-07-20 timew 1.7.0 User Manuals