tiff2bw - Man Page

convert a color TIFF image to greyscale


tiff2bw [ options ] input.tif output.tif


tiff2bw converts an RGB or Palette color TIFF image to a greyscale image by combining percentages of the red, green, and blue channels. By default, output samples are created by taking 28% of the red channel, 59% of the green channel, and 11% of the blue channel.  To alter these percentages, the -R, -G, and -B options may be used.


-c compress

Specify a compression scheme to use when writing image data: -c none for no compression, -c packbits for the PackBits compression algorithm, -c zip for the Deflate compression algorithm, -c g3 for the CCITT Group 3 compression algorithm, -c g4 for the CCITT Group 4 compression algorithm, -c lzw for Lempel-Ziv & Welch (the default).

-r striprows

Write data with a specified number of rows per strip; by default the number of rows/strip is selected so that each strip is approximately 8 kilobytes.

-R redperc

Specify the percentage of the red channel to use (default 28).

-G greenperc

Specify the percentage of the green channel to use (default 59).

-B blueperc

Specify the percentage of the blue channel to use (default 11).

See Also

pal2rgb (1), tiffinfo (1), tiffcp (1), tiffmedian (1), libtiff (3tiff),


LibTIFF contributors


Sep 11, 2024 4.7 LibTIFF