tff_visualize_overlap - Man Page
manual page for usage: tff_visualize_overlap [-h] [--remove_invalid] IN_TRACTOGRAM reference
usage: tff_visualize_overlap [-h] [--remove_invalid] IN_TRACTOGRAM reference
Display a tractogram and its density map (computed from Dipy) in rasmm, voxmm and vox space with its bounding box.
positional arguments
Tractogram filename. Format must be one of trk, tck, vtk, fib, dpy, trx.
- reference
Reference anatomy for tck/vtk/fib/dpy file support (nii or nii.gz).
- -h, ā--help
show this help message and exit
- --remove_invalid
Removes invalid streamlines to avoid the density_mapfunction to crash.
tff_visualize_overlap: error: the following arguments are required: IN_TRACTOGRAM, reference
January 2025 usage: tff_visualize_overlap [-h] [--remove_invalid] IN_TRACTOGRAM reference