texindy - Man Page

create sorted and tagged index from raw LaTeX index


 texindy [-V?h] [-qv] [-iglr] [-d magic] [-o outfile.ind] [-t log] \
         [-L lang] [-C codepage] [-M module] [idx0 idx1 ...]

GNU-Style Long Options for Short Options

 -V / --version
 -? / -h / --help
 -q / --quiet
 -v / --verbose
 -i / --stdin
 -g / --german
 -l / --letter-ordering
 -r / --no-ranges
 -d / --debug          (multiple times)
 -o / --out-file
 -t / --log-file
 -L / --language
 -C / --codepage
 -M / --module         (multiple times)
 -I / --input-markup   (supported: latex, xelatex, omega)


texindy is the LaTeX-specific command of xindy, the flexible indexing system. It takes a raw index as input, and produces a merged, sorted and tagged index. Merging, sorting, and tagging is controlled by xindy modules, with a convenient set already preloaded.

Files with the raw index are passed as arguments. If no arguments are passed, the raw index will be read from standard input.

A good introductionary description of texindy appears in the indexing chapter of the LaTeX Companion (2nd ed.)

If you want to produce an index for LaTeX documents with special index markup, the command xindy(1) is probably more of interest for you.

texindy is an approach to merge support for the make-rules framework, own xindy modules (e.g., for special LaTeX commands in the index), and a reasonable level of MakeIndex compatibility.


--version / -V

output version numbers of all relevant components and exit.

--help / -h / -?

output usage message with options explanation.

--quiet / -q

Don't output progress messages. Output only error messages.

--verbose / -v

Output verbose progress messages.

--debug magic / -d magic

Output debug messages, this option may be specified multiple times. magic determines what is output:

 magic          remark
 script         internal progress messages of driver scripts
 keep_tmpfiles  don't discard temporary files
 markup         output markup trace, as explained in xindy manual
 level=n        log level, n is 0 (default), 1, 2, or 3
--out-file outfile.ind / -o outfile.ind

Output index to file outfile.ind. If this option is not passed, the name of the output file is the base name of the first argument and the file extension ind. If the raw index is read from standard input, this option is mandatory.

--log-file log.ilg / -t log.ilg

Output log messages to file log.ilg. These log messages are independent from the progress messages that you can influence with --debug or --verbose.

--language lang / -L lang

The index is sorted according to the rules of language lang. These rules are encoded in a xindy module created by make-rules.

If no input encoding is specified via --codepage or enforced by input markup, a xindy module for that language is searched with a latin, a cp, an iso, ascii, or utf8 encoding, in that order.

--codepage enc / -C enc

There are two different situations and use cases for this option.

  1. Input markup is latex (the default).

    Then texindy's raw input is assumed to be encoded in LaTeX Internal Character Representation (LICR). I.e., non-ASCII characters are encoded as command sequences. This option tells xindy the encoding it shall use for letter group headings. (Additionally it specifies the encoding used internally for sorting — but that doesn't matter for the result.)

    Only LICR encodings for Latin script alphabets are supported; more precisely characters that are in LaTeX latin1, latin2, and latin3 LICR encodings.

    Even when you specify utf8 as codepage, only these characters will be known. But if you use non-Latin alphabets, you probably use (or should use) XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX and then you have a different input markup.

  2. Input markup is xelatex or omega.

    Then this option is ignored; codepage utf8 is enforced.

    texindy's raw input is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded, LICR is not used.

--module module / -M module

Load the xindy module module.xdy. This option may be specified multiple times. The modules are searched in the xindy search path that can be changed with the environment variable XINDY_SEARCHPATH.

--input-markup input / -I input

Specifies the input markup of the raw index. Supported values for input are latex, xelatex, and omega.

latex input markup is the one that is emitted by default from the LaTeX kernel, or by the index macro package of David Jones, when used with standard LaTeX or pdfLaTeX. ^^-notation of single byte characters is supported. Usage of LaTeX's inputenc package is assumed as well, i.e., raw input is encoded in LICR.

xelatex input markup is like latex, but without inputenc usage. Raw input is encoded in UTF-8. LuaLaTeX has the same input markup, there's no special option value for it.

omega input markup is like latex input markup, but with Omega's ^^-notation as encoding for non-ASCII characters. LICR encoding is not used then, and utf8 is enforced to be the codepage for sorting and for output of letter group headings.

Supported Languages / Codepages

The following languages are supported:

Latin scripts

 albanian      gypsy             portuguese
 croatian      hausa             romanian
 czech         hungarian         russian-iso
 danish        icelandic         slovak-small
 english       italian           slovak-large
 esperanto     kurdish-bedirxan  slovenian
 estonian      kurdish-turkish   spanish-modern
 finnish       latin             spanish-traditional
 french        latvian           swedish
 general       lithuanian        turkish
 german-din    lower-sorbian     upper-sorbian
 german-duden  norwegian         vietnamese
 greek-iso     polish

German recognizes two different sorting schemes to handle umlauts: normally, ae is sorted like ae, but in phone books or dictionaries, it is sorted like a. The first scheme is known as DIN order, the second as Duden order.

*-iso language names assume that the raw index entries are in ISO 8859-9 encoding.

gypsy is a northern Russian dialect.

Cyrillic scripts

 belarusian    mongolian         serbian
 bulgarian     russian           ukrainian

Other scripts

 greek         klingon

Available Codepages

This is not yet written. You can look them up in your xindy distribution, in the modules/lang/language/ directory (where language is your language). They are named variant-codepage-lang.xdy, where variant- is most often empty (for german, it's din5007 and duden; for spanish, it's modern and traditional, etc.)

 < Describe available codepages for each language >

 < Describe relevance of codepages (as internal representation) for
   LaTeX inputenc >

Texindy Standard Modules

There is a set of texindy standard modules that help to process LaTeX index files. Some of them are automatically loaded. Some of them are loaded by default, this can be turned off with a texindy option. Others may be specified as --module argument to achieve a specific effect.

 xindy Module    Category  Description


 word-order      Default   A space comes before any letter in the
                           alphabet: “index style” is listed before
                           “indexing”. Turn it off with option -l.
 letter-order    Add-on    Spaces are ignored: “index style”
                           is sorted after “indexing”.
 keep-blanks     Add-on    Leading and trailing white space (blanks
                           and tabs) are not ignored; intermediate
                           white space is not changed.
 ignore-hyphen   Add-on    Hyphens are ignored:
                           “ad-hoc” is sorted as “adhoc”.
 ignore-punctuation Add-on All kinds of punctuation characters are
                           ignored: hyphens, periods, commas, slashes,
                           parentheses, and so on.
 numeric-sort    Auto      Numbers are sorted numerically, not like
                           characters: “V64” appears before “V128”.

Page Numbers

 page-ranges     Default   Appearances on more than two consecutive
                           pages are listed as a range: “1--4”.
                           Turn it off with option -r.
 ff-ranges       Add-on    Uses implicit “ff” notation for ranges
                           of three pages, and explicit ranges
                           thereafter: 2f, 2ff, 2--6.
 ff-ranges-only  Add-on    Uses only implicit ranges: 2f, 2ff.
 book-order      Add-on    Sorts page numbers with common book numbering
                           scheme correctly -- Roman numerals first, then
                           Arabic numbers, then others: i, 1, A.

Markup and Layout

 tex             Auto      Handles basic TeX conventions.
 latex-loc-fmts  Auto      Provides LaTeX formatting commands
                           for page number encapsulation.
 latex           Auto      Handles LaTeX conventions, both in raw
                           index entries and output markup; implies
 makeindex       Auto      Emulates the default MakeIndex input syntax
                           and quoting behavior.
 latin-lettergroups Auto   Layout contains a single Latin letter
                           above each group of words starting with the
                           same letter.
 german-sty      Add-on    Handles umlaut markup of babel's german
                           and ngerman options.

Compatibility to Makeindex

xindy does not claim to be completely compatible with MakeIndex, that would prevent some of its enhancements. That said, we strive to deliver as much compatibility as possible. The most important incompatibilities are



This is the name of the xindy module that loads all auto-loaded modules. The default is texindy.


Joachim Schrod


Copyright (c) 2004-2014 by Joachim Schrod.

texindy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Referenced By

tex2xindy(1), xindy(1).

2020-05-28 Release 2.5.1 xindy