testshade - Man Page
Test Open Shading Language
testshade [options] shader...
testshade -- Test Open Shading Language Copyright Contributors to the Open Shading Language project.
- --help
Print help message
- -v
Verbose messages
Set thread count (default = 0: auto-detect #cores)
- --optix
Use OptiX if available
- --debug
Lots of debugging info
- --debug2
Even more debugging info
- --llvm_debug
Turn on LLVM debugging info
- --runstats
Print run statistics
- --batched
Submit batches to ShadingSystem
- --vary_pdxdy
populate Dx(P) & Dy(P) with varying values (vs. uniform)
- --vary_udxdy
populate Dx(u) & Dy(u) with varying values (vs. uniform)
- --vary_vdxdy
populate Dx(v) & Dy(v) with varying values (vs. uniform)
- --profile
Print profile information
- --saveptx
Save the generated PTX (OptiX mode only)
- --warmup
Perform a warmup launch
- --res XRES YRES
Set resolution
- --options LIST
Set extra OSL options
- --texoptions LIST
Set extra TextureSystem options
- --colorspace NAME
Set ShadingSysem colorspace
Specify an output (filename='null' means don't save)
- -d NAME
Set the output data format to one of: uint8, half, float
Print values of all -o outputs to console instead of saving images
- --groupname %s
Set shader group name
- --layer NAME
Set next layer name
- --param NAME VALUE
Add a parameter (options: type=%s, interpolated=%d)
Declare a shader node
Connect two shader layers
Change a parameter (options: type=%s)
- --group CMD
Specify a full group command
- --archivegroup FILENAME
Archive the group to a given filename
- --raytype %s
Set the raytype
- --raytype_opt
Specify ray type mask for optimization
- --iters ITERS
Number of iterations
- -O0
Do no runtime shader optimization
- -O1
Do a little runtime shader optimization
- -O2
Do lots of runtime shader optimization
- --llvm_opt LEVEL
LLVM JIT optimization level
- --optix_no_inline
Disable function inlining when compiling for OptiX
- --optix_no_inline_layer_funcs
Disable inlining the group layer functions when compiling for OptiX
- --optix_no_merge_layer_funcs
Disable merging group layer functions with only one caller when compiling for OptiX
- --optix_no_inline_rend_lib
Disable inlining the rend_lib functions when compiling for OptiX
- --optix_no_rend_lib_bitcode
Don't pass LLVM bitcode for the rend_lib functions to the ShadingSystem
- --optix_no_inline_thresh THRESH
Don't inline functions larger than the threshold when compiling for OptiX
- --optix_force_inline_thresh THRESH
Force inline functions smaller than the threshold when compiling for OptiX
- --optix_register_inline_funcs
Register functions that should or should not be inlined during LLVM optimization
- --entry LAYERNAME
Add layer to the list of entry points
- --entryoutput NAME
Add output symbol to the list of entry points
- --center
Shade at output pixel 'centers' rather than corners
- --debugnan
Turn on 'debug_nan' mode
- --debuguninit
Turn on 'debug_uninit' mode
- --groupoutputs
Specify group outputs, not global outputs
- --oslquery
Test OSLQuery at runtime
- --print-groupdata
Print groupdata size to stdout
- --inbuffer
Compile osl source from and to jbuffer
- --no-output-placement
Turn off use of output placement, rely only on get_symbol
- --shadeimage
Use shade_image utility
- --noshadeimage
Don't use shade_image utility
- --expr EXPR
Specify an OSL expression to evaluate
- --offsetuv UOFFSET VOFFSET
Offset s & t texture coordinates (default: 0 0)
- --scaleuv USCALE VSCALE
Scale s & t texture lookups (default: 1, 1)
- --userdata NAME VALUE
Add userdata (options: type=%s)
- --userdata_isconnected
Consider interpolated=1 to be isconnected()
- --locale NAME
Set a different locale
- --use_rs_bitcode
Use free function bitcode Renderer services
- --jbufferMB JBUFFER
journal jbuffer size in MB