testrender - Man Page

Test Renderer for Open Shading Language


testrender [options] scene.xml outputfilename


testrender -- Test Renderer for Open Shading Language Copyright Contributors to the Open Shading Language project.


Print help message


Verbose output


Set thread count (default = 0: auto-detect #cores)


Set resolution


Use OptiX if available


Lots of debugging info


Even more debugging info


Print run statistics


Print profile information


Save the generated PTX (OptiX mode only)


Perform a warmup launch

--res W H

Set resolution of output image to W x H

-aa N

Trace NxN rays per pixel

-albedo SCALE

Visualize the albedo of each pixel instead of path tracing

--iters N

Number of iterations


Do no runtime shader optimization


Do a little runtime shader optimization


Do lots of runtime shader optimization

--llvm_opt LEVEL

LLVM JIT optimization level


Disable function inlining when compiling for OptiX


Disable inlining the group layer functions when compiling for OptiX


Disable merging group layer functions with only one caller when compiling for OptiX


Disable inlining the rend_lib functions when compiling for OptiX


Don't pass LLVM bitcode for the rend_lib functions to the ShadingSystem

--optix_no_inline_thresh THRESH

Don't inline functions larger than the threshold when compiling for OptiX

--optix_force_inline_thresh THRESH

Force inline functions smaller than the threshold when compiling for OptiX


Turn on 'debugnan' mode


Specify oso search path

--options LIST

Set extra OSL options

--texoptions LIST

Set extra TextureSystem options


January 2025 testrender