tend-glyph - Man Page
generate postscript or ray-traced renderings of 3D glyphs
tend glyph [@file ...] [-rt] [-v <level>] [-ctr <conf thresh>] [-a <aniso>] [-atr <aniso thresh>] [-p <pos array>] [-m <mask vol>] [-mtr <mask thresh>] [-g <glyph shape>] [-sh <sharpness>] [-gsc <scale>] [-c <evector #>] [-sat <saturation>] [-ga <aniso>] [-am <aniso mod>] [-gg <gray>] [-gam <gamma>] [-emap <env map>] [-adsp <phong>] [-bg <background>] [-ec <edge rgb>] [-slc <axis pos>] [-si <slice image>] [-off <slice offset>] [-sg <slice gamma>] [-sb <slice bias>] -fr <from point> [-at <at point>] [-up <up vector>] [-rh] [-dn <near clip>] [-df <far clip>] [-or] [-ur <uMin uMax>] [-vr <vMin vMax>] [-fv <fov>] [-gr <glyph res>] [-wd <3 widths>] [-psc <scale>] [-ca <angle>] [-nobg] [-concave] [-is <nx ny>] [-ns <# samp>] [-nt <# threads>] [-al <B U V N E>] [-ao] [-shadow <s>] [-hack <hack>] [-i <nin>] [-o <nout>]
Generate postscript or ray-traced renderings of 3D glyphs. Whether the output is postscript or a ray-traced image is controlled by the initial “-rt” flag (by default, the output is postscript). Because this is doing viz/graphics, many parameters need to be set. Use a response file to simplify giving the command-line options which aren’t changing between invocations. The postscript output is an EPS file, suitable for including as a figure in LaTeX, or viewing with ghostview, or distilling into PDF. The ray-traced output is a 5 channel (R,G,B,A,T) float nrrd, suitable for “unu crop -min 0 0 0 -max 2 M M” followed by “unu gamma” and/or “unu quantize -b 8”.
- @file ...
response file(s) containing command-line arguments
- -rt
generate ray-traced output. By default (not using this option), postscript output is generated.
- -v <level>
verbosity level (int) default: “0”
- -ctr <conf thresh>
Glyphs will be drawn only for tensors with confidence values greater than this threshold (float) default: “0.5”
- -a <aniso>
Which anisotropy metric to use for thresholding the data points to be drawn; default: “fa”
- -p <pos array>
Instead of being on a grid, tensors are at arbitrary locations, as defined by this 3-by-N array of floats. Doing this makes various other options moot; default: “”
- -m <mask vol>
Scalar volume (if any) for masking region in which glyphs are drawn, in conjunction with “-mtr” flag; default: “”
- -mtr <mask thresh>
Glyphs will be drawn only for tensors with mask value greater than this threshold (float) default: “0.5”
- -g <glyph shape>
shape of glyph to use for display. Possibilities include “box”, “sphere”, “cylinder”, and “superquad”; default: “box”
- -sh <sharpness>
for superquadric glyphs, how much to sharp edges form as a function of differences between eigenvalues. Higher values mean that edges form more easily (float) default: “3.0”
- -gsc <scale>
over-all glyph size in world-space (float) default: “0.01”
- -c <evector #>
which eigenvector should determine coloring. (formally “v”) “0”, “1”, “2”, are principal, medium, and minor (int) default: “0”
- -sat <saturation>
maximal saturation to use on glyph colors (use 0.0 to create a black and white image) (float) default: “1.0”
- -ga <aniso>
Which anisotropy metric to use for modulating the saturation of the glyph color; default: “fa”
- -am <aniso mod>
How much to modulate glyph color saturation by anisotropy (as chosen by “-ga”. If 1.0, then glyphs for zero anisotropy data points will have no hue. (float) default: “0.0”
- -gg <gray>
desaturating glyph color due to low anisotropy tends towards this gray level (float) default: “1.0”
- -gam <gamma>
gamma to use on color components (after saturation) (float) default: “0.7”
- -emap <env map>
environment map to use for shading glyphs. By default, there is no shading; default: “”
- -adsp <phong>
phong ambient, diffuse, specular components, and specular power (4 floats); default: “0 1 0 30”
- -bg <background>
background RGB color; each component in range [0.0,1.0] (3 floats); default: “1 1 1”
- -ec <edge rgb>
edge RGB color; each component in range [0.0,1.0] (3 floats); default: “0 0 0”
- -slc <axis pos>
For showing a gray-scale slice of anisotropy: the axis and position along which to slice. Use “-1 -1” to signify that no slice should be shown (2 ints); default: “-1 -1”
- -si <slice image>
Instead of showing a slice of the anisotropy used to cull glyphs, show something else; default: “”
- -off <slice offset>
Offset from slice position to render slice at (so that it doesn’t occlude glyphs). (float) default: “0.0”
- -sg <slice gamma>
Gamma to apply to values on slice. (float) default: “1.7”
- -sb <slice bias>
amount by which to bump up slice gray values prior to gamma. (float) default: “0.05”
- -fr <from point>
position of camera, used to determine view vector (3 doubles)
- -at <at point>
camera look-at point, used to determine view vector (3 doubles)
- -up <up vector>
camera pseudo-up vector, used to determine view coordinates (3 doubles); default: “0 0 1”
- -rh
use a right-handed UVN frame (V points down)
- -dn <near clip>
position of near clipping plane, relative to look-at point (double); default: “-2”
- -df <far clip>
position of far clipping plane, relative to look-at point (double); default: “2”
- -or
use orthogonal projection
- -ur <uMin uMax>
range in U direction of image plane (2 doubles); default: “-1 1”
- -vr <vMin vMax>
range in V direction of image plane (2 doubles); default: “-1 1”
- -fv <fov>
if not NaN, vertical field-of-view, in degrees (double)
- -gr <glyph res>
postscript only
resolution of polygonalization of glyphs (all glyphs other than the default box) (int); default: “10”
- -wd <3 widths>
postscript only
width of edges drawn for three kinds of glyph edges: silohuette, crease, non-crease (3 floats); default: “0.8 0.4 0.0”
- -psc <scale>
postscript only
scaling from screen space units to postscript units (in points) (float); default: “300”
- -ca <angle>
postscript only
minimum crease angle (float); default: “70”
- -nobg
postscript only
don’t initially fill with background color
- -concave
use slightly buggy rendering method suitable for concave or self-occluding objects
- -is <nx ny>
ray-traced only
image size (resolution) to render (2 ints); default: “256 256”
- -ns <# samp>
ray-traced only
number of samples per pixel (must be a square number) (int); default: “4”
- -nt <# threads>
ray-traced only
number of threads to be used for rendering (int); default: “1”
- -al <B U V N E>
ray-traced only
brightness (B), view-space location (U V N), and length of edge (E) of a square area light source, for getting soft shadows. Requires lots more samples “-ns” to converge. Use brightness 0 (the default) to turn this off, and use environment map-based shading (“-emap”) instead. (5 floats); default: “0 -1 -1 -4 0.7”
- -ao
set up 6 area lights in a box to approximate ambient occlusion
- -shadow <s>
the extent to which shadowing occurs (float); default: “1.0”
- -hack <hack>
don’t mind me (string)
- -i <nin>
input diffusion tensor volume; default: “-”
- -o <nout>
output file (string) default: “-”