tend-anvol - Man Page

apply an anisotropy metric to a DT volume


tend anvol -a <aniso> [-t <thresh>] [-i <nin>] [-o <nout>]


Apply an anisotropy metric to a DT volume. The anisotropy value will be zero in the locations which don’t meet the given confidence threshold.


-a <aniso>

Which anisotropy metric to plot. All the Westin metrics come in two versions. Currently supported:

  • cl1”, “cl2”: Westin’s linear
  • cp1”, “cp2”: Westin’s planar
  • ca1”, “ca2”: Westin’s linear + planar
  • cs1”, “cs2”: Westin’s spherical
  • ct1”, “ct2”: GK’s anisotropy type (cp/ca)
  • ra”: Basser/Pierpaoli relative anisotropy/sqrt(2)
  • fa”: Basser/Pierpaoli fractional anisotropy
  • vf”: volume fraction = 1-(Basser/Pierpaoli volume ratio)
  • tr”: trace
-t <thresh>

confidence threshold (float) default: “0.5

-i <nin>

input diffusion tensor volume; default: “-

-o <nout>

output image (floating point) (string) default: “-

See Also


Referenced By

tend(1), tend-fiber(1).

April 2021