strongswan_pki---keyid - Man Page
Calculate key identifiers of a key or certificate
This sub-command of pki(1) calculates key identifiers of private keys and certificates.
- -h, --help
Print usage information with a summary of the available options.
- -v, --debug level
Set debug level, default: 1.
- -+, --options file
Read command line options from file.
- -i, --in file
Input file. If not given the input is read from STDIN.
- -x, --keyid hex
Smartcard or TPM private key object handle in hex format with an optional 0x prefix.
- -t, --type type
Type of input. One of priv (private key), rsa (RSA private key), ecdsa (ECDSA private key), bliss (BLISS private key), pub (public key), pkcs10 (PKCS#10 certificate request), x509 (X.509 certificate), defaults to priv.
- -I, --id id-type
Type of identifier. One of all (all identifiers), spk (SHA-1 hash of subjectPublicKey), spki (SHA-1 hash of subjectPublicKeyInfo), defaults to all.
- -f, --format format
Output format. One of pretty (user-readable output), hex (hexadecimal encoding), base64 (Base64 encoding), bin (raw binary data), defaults to pretty.
Calculate key identifiers of an RSA private key:
$ pki --keyid --in key.der subjkey (SHA-1 of subjectPublicKey): 6a:9c:74:d1:f8:89:79:89:f6:5a:94:e9:89:f1... keyid (SHA-1 of subjectPublicKeyInfo): 6e:55:dc:7e:9c:a5:58:d9:5b:e3:c7:13:14:e1...
Calculate key identifiers of an X.509 certificate:
$ pki --keyid --in cert.der --type x509 subjkey (SHA-1 of subjectPublicKey): 6a:9c:74:d1:f8:89:79:89:f6:5a:94:e9:89:f1... keyid (SHA-1 of subjectPublicKeyInfo): 6e:55:dc:7e:9c:a5:58:d9:5b:e3:c7:13:14:e1...
Calculate keyid in simple hex encoding of an X.509 certificate:
$ pki --keyid --in cert.der --type x509 --id spki --format hex 6e55dc7e9ca558d95be3c71314e1...