stg-completion - Man Page

Support for shell completions


stg completion bash [OPTIONS]
stg completion fish [OPTIONS]
stg completion zsh [OPTIONS]
stg completion list aliases [OPTIONS]
stg completion list commands [OPTIONS]
stg completion list commands-and-aliases [OPTIONS]
stg completion list help aliases
stg completion list help commands
stg completion list help commands-and-aliases
stg completion list help help
stg completion man [OPTIONS]
stg completion help bash
stg completion help fish
stg completion help zsh
stg completion help list aliases
stg completion help list commands
stg completion help list commands-and-aliases
stg completion help man
stg completion help help


Support completions for bash, fish, and zsh. Also provides stg completion list command for dynamically introspecting StGit’s commands and aliases.



Generate bash completion script


Generate fish shell completion script


Generate zsh completion script

list aliases

List aliases

list commands

List StGit commands

list commands-and-aliases

List StGit commands and aliases


Generate man pages in asciidoc format. The generated asciidoc files may be further processed by asciidoc or asciidoctor to produce roff, html, or other output formats.

One file is generated for each stg command. The output directory defaults to the current directory, but may be specified with --output. The output files are named stg-<command>.txt.


-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output to <path>

Bash Options

-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output completion script to <path>

Fish Options

-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output completion script to <path>

ZSH Options

-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output completion script to <path>

List Aliases Options


Show alias expansion


Choose output format style

-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output to <path>

List Commands Options


Choose output format style

-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output to <path>

List Commands-and-Aliases Options


Choose output format style

-o <path>, --output=<path>

Output to <path>

Man Options

-o <dir>, --output=<dir>

Output man pages to <dir>


Part of the StGit suite - see stg(1)

Referenced By


01/22/2025 StGit 2.5.1 StGit Manual