stafctl - Man Page
STorage Appliance Finder (STAF) utility program
stafctl is a tool that can be used to communicate with the stafd(8) daemon to retrieve operational data.
The following commands are understood:
- tron
Trace ON. Enable code tracing, which is to say that lots of debug information will be printed to the syslog (e.g. systemd-journal).
- troff
Trace OFF. Disable code tracing.
- status
Show runtime status information.
- ls
Show the list of discovery controllers. This will list all the controllers configured in stafd.conf(5) as well as those discovered with mDNS service discovery.
- dlp
Show discovery log pages.
- adlp
Show all discovery log pages.
The following options are understood:
- -h, --help
Print the help text and exit.
- --version
Print the version string and exit.
- -d, --detailed
Print additional details.
- -tTRTYPE, --transport=TRTYPE
NVMe-over-Fabrics fabric type (default: "tcp").
- -aTRADDR, --traddr=TRADDR
Discovery controller's network address.
- -sTRSVCID, --trsvcid=TRSVCID
Transport service id (for IP addressing, e.g. tcp, rdma, this field is the port number).
- -wTRADDR, --host-traddr=TRADDR
Network source address used on the host to connect to the controller.
- -fIFACE, --host-iface=IFACE
This field specifies the network interface used on the host to connect to the controller.
- -nNQN, --nqn=NQN
This field specifies the Controller's NVMe Qualified Name.
This field is mandatory for I/O Controllers, but is optional for Discovery Controllers (DC). For the latter, the NQN will default to the well-known DC NQN: if left undefined.
rdma, fc, tcp, loop.
IP or Fibre Channel address. E.g.
E.g., 8009.
Network interface name. E.g., eth1, enp0s8, wlp0s20f3.
NVMe Qualified Name.
Exit Status
On success, 0 is returned; otherwise, a non-zero failure code is returned.
Example 1. List all the discovery controllers
$ stafctl ls [{'device': 'nvme0', 'host-iface': '', 'host-traddr': '', 'subsysnqn': '', 'traddr': '::1', 'transport': 'tcp', 'trsvcid': '8009'}]
Example 2. Enable tracing
$ stafctl tron
Example 3. Show discovery log pages from a specific discovery controller
$ stafctl dlp --transport tcp --traddr ::1 --trsvcid 8009 [{'adrfam': 'ipv6', 'asqsz': '32', 'cntlid': '65535', 'portid': '1', 'subnqn': '', 'subtype': 'nvme', 'traddr': '::1', 'treq': 'disable sqflow', 'trsvcid': '8009', 'trtype': 'tcp'}, {'adrfam': 'ipv6', 'asqsz': '32', 'cntlid': '65535', 'portid': '1', 'subnqn': '', 'subtype': 'nvme', 'traddr': '::1', 'treq': 'disable sqflow', 'trsvcid': '8009', 'trtype': 'tcp'}, {'adrfam': 'ipv6', 'asqsz': '32', 'cntlid': '65535', 'portid': '1', 'subnqn': '', 'subtype': 'nvme', 'traddr': '::1', 'treq': 'disable sqflow', 'trsvcid': '8009', 'trtype': 'tcp'}]