squashfuse_ll - Man Page

mount a SquashFS archive with low-level FUSE


squashfuse_ll[-o options] archive mountpoint


squashfuse_ll mounts the SquashFS filesystem using FUSE archive on the directory mountpoint. It is generally compatible with squashfuse(1) but it uses the higher performance low-level FUSE interface and it supports multi-threading.

See the squashfuse(1) man page for options. Note that some of the fuse(8) library options are only supported on high-level FUSE and so do not apply. These additional options are also supported, including some that are normally supported only in high-level FUSE:

-o timeout=N

idle N seconds for automatic unmount

-o uid=N

set file owner to uid N

-o gid=N

set file group to gid N

See Also

squashfuse(1), fuse(8)


June 30, 2023