sqlsharp - Man Page
Mono SQL Query command-line tool
sqlsharp is a Mono SQL tool used for entering SQL queries to a database using Mono data providers.
The following options are supported:
- -f filename
Output file to load SQL commands from.
- -o filename
Output file to send results.
- -s
Silent mode.
How to Use
The SQL tool accepts commands via its command line interface. Commands begin with a backslash followed by the command name.
Basically, there are five commands a user should know: \provider, \connectionstring, \open, \quit, and \help
To connect to a database, you need to do the following:
1. set your data provider via \provider
Example: SQL# \provider mysql
2. set your connection string via \connectionstring
Example: SQL# \connectionstring Database=test
3. open a connection to the database via \open
Example: SQL# \open
Connection and Provider Commands
These commands are used to setup the provider, connection string, and open/close the database connnection
- ConnectionString
Sets the Connection String
Example: SQL# \ConnectionString Database=testdb or SQL# \cs Database=testdb For more examples, see section CONNECTION STRING EXAMPLES.
- Provider
Sets the Provider of the Data Source. For list of Providers, see section Providers.
Example: to set the provider for MySQL: SQL# \provider mysql or SQL# \p mysql Note: if you need to load an external provider in SQL#, see the SQL# command \loadextprovider
- ListProviders
List ADO.NET 2.0 Providers available
Example: SQL# \ListProviders or SQL# \listp
Prompts you for building each connection parameter and builds the connection string and also allows you to enter a password wich does not echo.
Example: SQL# \bcs ConnectionString Option: Data Source [] SQL# blazer ConnectionString Option: Persist Security Info [False] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Integrated Security [False] SQL# ConnectionString Option: User ID [] SQL# scott Password: ***** ConnectionString Option: Enlist [False] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Pooling [True] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Min Pool Size [0] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Max Pool Size [100] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Unicode [False] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Load Balance Timeout [0] SQL# ConnectionString Option: Omit Oracle Connection Name [False] SQL# ConnectionString is set.
- LoadExtProvider
ASSEMBLY CLASS to load an external provider. Use the complete name of its assembly and its Connection class.
Example: to load the MySQL provider Mono.Data.MySql SQL# \loadextprovider Mono.Data.MySql Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection
- Open
Opens a connection to the database
Example: SQL# \open
- Close
Closes the connection to the database
Example: SQL# \close
- Default
show default variables, such as, Provider and ConnectionString.
Example: SQL# \defaults
- Q
Example: SQL# \q
SQL Execution Commands
Commands to execute SQL statements
e execute SQL query (SELECT)
Example: to execute a query SQL# SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE SQL# \e Note: to get \e to automatically work after entering a query, put a semicolon ; at the end of the query. Example: to enter and exectue query at the same time SQL# SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE;
- exenonquery
execute a SQL non query (not a SELECT)
Example: to insert a row into a table: SQL# INSERT INTO SOMETABLE (COL1, COL2) VALUES('ABC','DEF') SQL# \exenonquery Note: this can be used for those providers that are new and do not have the ability to execute queries yet.
- exescalar
execute SQL to get a single row and single column.
Example: to execute a Maxium aggregate SQL# SELECT MAX(grade) FROM class SQL# \exescalar
- exexml
FILENAME to execute SQL and save output to XML file
Example: SQL# SELECT fname, lname, hire_date FROM employee SQL# \exexml employee.xml Note: this depends on DataAdapter, DataTable, and DataSet to be working properly
File Commands
Commands for importing commands from file to SQL# and vice versa
- f
FILENAME to read a batch of SQL# commands from file
Example: SQL# \f batch.sql# Note: the SQL# commands are interpreted as they are read. If there is any SQL statements, the are executed.
- o
FILENAME to write result of commands executed to file.
Example: SQL# \o result.txt
- load
FILENAME to load from file SQL commands into SQL buffer.
Example: SQL# \load commands.sql
- save
FILENAME to save SQL commands from SQL buffer to file.
Example: SQL# \save commands.sql
General Purpose Commands
General commands to use.
- h
show help (all commands).
Example: SQL# \h
- s
TRUE, FALSE to silent messages.
Example 1: SQL# \s true Example 2: SQL# \s false
- r
reset or clear the query buffer.
Example: SQL# \r
show what's in the SQL buffer now.
Example: SQL# \print
SH VARIABLES WHICH CAN BE USED AS PARAMETERS Commands to set variables which can be used as Parameters in an SQL statement. If the SQL contains any parameters, the parameter does not have a variable set, the user will be prompted for the value for each missing parameter.
- set
NAME VALUE to set an internal variable.
Example: SQL# \set sFirstName John
- unset
NAME to remove an internal variable.
Example: SQL# \unset sFirstName
- variable
NAME to display the value of an internal variable.
Example: SQL# \variable sFirstName
Provider Support Options
Enable or Disble support for a particular provider option
- UseParameters
TRUE,FALSE to use parameters when executing SQL which use the variables that were set.
If this option is true, the SQL contains parameters, and for each parameter which does not have a SQL# variable set, the user will be prompted to enter the value For that parameter.
Example: SQL# \useparameter true
Default: false
- UseSimpleReader
TRUE,FALSE to use simple reader when displaying results.
Example: SQL# \usesimplereader true
Default: false. Mostly, this is dependent on the provider. If the provider does not have enough of IDataReader implemented to have the normal reader working, then the simple reader can be used. Providers like SqlClient, MySQL, and PostgreSQL have this ption defaulting to true.
PROVIDER NAME NAMESPACE ASSEMBLY oracle Oracle 8i-11g System.Data.OracleClient System.Data.OracleClient postgresql NetPostgreSQL Npgsql Npgsql bytefx ByteFX MySQL ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient ByteFX.Data sqlclient MS SQL 7-2008 System.Data.SqlClient System.Data odbc ODBC System.Data.Odbc System.Data sqlite SQL Lite Mono.Data.SqliteClient Mono.Data.SqliteClient sybase Sybase Mono.Data.SybaseClient Mono.Data.SybaseClient firebird Firebird SQL FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdSql FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird mysql MySQL AB MySql.Data.MySqlClient MySql.Data NOTES: Ngsql is the .Net Data Provider for PosgreSQL. The latest version can be downloaded from http://npgsql.projects.postgresql.org/ MySql.Data is the MySQL Connector/Net for connecting to MySql databases. For MySQL, it is strongly recommend to use MySql.Data instead of the old ByteFX.Data provider. Unfortunately, MySql.Data is not included with Mono. You can download the latest MySQL Connector/Net from MySQL AB at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird can be downloaded from here: http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=files&id=netprovider
Connection String Samples
Example connection strings for various providers to be used via the command \ConnectionString
Example of usage: \connectionstring Database=testdb Connection String examples: Microsoft SQL Server via System.Data.SqlClient Server=DANPC;Database=pubs;User ID=saPassword=; For Integrated Security, bear in mind that Mono is not integrated with Windows, SQL Server client nor server, nor Windows Server. Therefore, you must provide the Windows Domain name and domain user name and password for this user. Server=DANPC;Database=pubs;User ID=DOMAINser;Password=pass;Integrated Security=SSPI For a server locally, you can use localhost. ODBC via System.Data.Odbc provider using a DSN named "MSSQLDSN" I set up in the Windows control panel's ODBC Data Sources which connects to Microsoft SQL Server 2000: DSN=MSSQLDSN;UID=danmorg;PWD=freetds To use ODBC ON Unix, consider unixODBC from http://www.unixodbc.org/ or use iODBC from http://www.iodbc.org/ SQL Lite via Mono.Data.SqliteClient provider which connects to the database file SqliteTest.db; if not found, the file is created: URI=file:SqliteTest.db Oracle via System.Data.OracleClient Data Source=testdb;User ID=scott;Password=tiger If you prefer to not use a tnsnames.ora file, you can use a connection string which allows a TNS network description that is parentheses delimited like the following which has the host, port, and service name. For host, you can specify an IP address instead of a hostname. User ID=SCOTT; Password=TIGER; Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= Npgsql (.NET PostgreSQL) from http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/npgsql/projdisplay.php Server=localhost;Database=test;User ID=postgres;Password=fun2db ByteFX (ByteFX MySQL) from Please use MySql.Data instead. Server=localhost;Database=test;User ID=mysql;Password= FirebirdSql via FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird (download latest form FirebirdSql.org) Database=C:\FIREBIRD\EXAMPLES\EMPLOYEE.FDB;User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Dialect=3;Server=localhost MySQL via (MySql.Data) MySQL Connector/Net from http://www.mysql.com/ Server=localhost;Database=test;User ID=mysql;Password=mypass;Pooling=false
Tracing Support
No support for tracing right now.
The Mono SQL Query Tool was written
by Daniel Morgan <monodanmorg@yahoo.com>
The Mono SQL Query Tool is released under the terms of the GNU GPL. Please read the accompanying `COPYING' file for details. Alternative licenses are available from Novell or Daniel Morgan.
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