sqlsh - Man Page

SQL shell


        sqlsh -d DBI:Oracle:DEVDB -u scott -p tiger


sqlsh is an interactive shell run from the command-line for working with databases. This is a terse summary for quick reference.  For a full description see SQL::Shell::Manual. For a list of commands, type:


at the prompt after running sqlsh.  If you pass a username with -u and don't pass a password with -p, sqlsh will prompt you for a password.  You can pass a blank password with -p if required (-p followed by nothing).


        -d <DSN>
        -u <username>
        -p <password>
        -i - read list of commands from STDIN
        -q - quiet (no banner)
        -A - turn AutoCommit ON
        -H - help

Commands Added by SQLSH

 cat|more|less <file> - display file
 help|? - show this
 reload - reload the shell
 exit|quit|bye|\w+ off - quit the shell

Readline Mode

This script uses Term::Readline. Term::Readline sets the editing mode (vi/emacs) based on the user's .inputrc, or the $EDITOR environment variable.

This script will set $EDITOR based on $PERL_READLINE_MODE or bash's $SHELLOPTS variable. Any .inputrc editing-mode declaration still takes precedence.


Version 1.17


John Alden with contributions by Simon Flack and Simon Stevenson <cpan _at_ bbc _dot_ co _dot_ uk>

Miguel Gualdron maintainer.


2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation