sq-wot-identify - Man Page
Identify a certificate
Identify a certificate.
Identify a certificate by finding authenticated bindings (User ID and certificate pairs).
If a binding could be authenticated to the specified level (by default: fully authenticated, i.e., a trust amount of 120), then the exit status is 0. Otherwise the exit status is 1.
If a binding could be partially authenticated (i.e., its trust amount is greater than 0), then the binding is displayed, even if the trust is below the specified threshold.
- -h, --help
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The fingerprint or Key ID of the certificate to authenticate
# Identify a certificate.
$ sq-wot --keyring keyring.pgp \
--partial \
--trust-root 8F17777118A33DDA9BA48E62AACB3243630052D9 \
identify \
# The same as above, but output in DOT format and convert it to
# an SVG using Graphviz's DOT compiler.
$ sq-wot --format dot \
--keyring keyring.pgp \
--partial \
--trust-root 8F17777118A33DDA9BA48E62AACB3243630052D9 \
identify \
C7B1406CD2F612E9CE2136156F2DA183236153AE \
| dot -Tsvg -o C7B1406CD2F612E9CE2136156F2DA183236153AE.svg