sq-toolbox-packet - Man Page
Low-level packet manipulation
sq toolbox packet dump [OPTIONS] FILE
sq toolbox packet decrypt [OPTIONS] FILE
sq toolbox packet split [OPTIONS] FILE
sq toolbox packet join [OPTIONS] FILE
Low-level packet manipulation.
An OpenPGP data stream consists of packets. These tools allow working with packet streams. They are mostly of interest to developers, but `sq toolbox packet dump` may be helpful to a wider audience both to provide valuable information in bug reports to OpenPGP-related software, and as a learning tool.
sq toolbox packet dump
List packets.
Creates a human-readable description of the packet sequence. Additionally, it can print cryptographic artifacts, and print the raw octet stream similar to hexdump(1), annotating specifically which bytes are parsed into OpenPGP values.
To inspect encrypted messages, either supply the session key, or see `sq decrypt` with the `--dump` flag, or `sq toolbox packet decrypt`.
sq toolbox packet decrypt
Unwrap an encryption container.
Decrypts a message, dumping the content of the encryption container without further processing. The result is a valid OpenPGP message that can, among other things, be inspected using `sq toolbox packet dump`.
sq toolbox packet split
Split a message into packets.
Splitting a packet sequence into individual packets, then recombining them freely with `sq toolbox packet join` is a great way to experiment with OpenPGP data.
The converse operation is `sq toolbox packet join`.
sq toolbox packet join
Join packets split across files.
Splitting a packet sequence into individual packets, then recombining them freely with `sq toolbox packet join` is a great way to experiment with OpenPGP data.
The converse operation is `sq toolbox packet split`.
sq toolbox packet dump
Prints the packets of a certificate
sq toolbox packet dump juliet.pgp
Prints cryptographic artifacts of a certificate
sq toolbox packet dump --mpis juliet.pgp
Prints a hexdump of a certificate
sq toolbox packet dump --hex juliet.pgp
Prints the packets of an encrypted message
sq toolbox packet dump --session-key AABBCC... ciphertext.pgp
sq toolbox packet decrypt
Unwraps the encryption revealing the signed message
sq toolbox packet decrypt --recipient-file juliet.pgp \ ciphertext.pgp
sq toolbox packet split
Split a certificate into individual packets
sq toolbox packet split juliet.pgp
sq toolbox packet join
Split a certificate into individual packets
sq toolbox packet split juliet.pgp
Then join only a subset of these packets
sq toolbox packet join juliet.pgp-[0-3]*
See Also
sq(1), sq-toolbox(1), sq-toolbox-packet-dump(1), sq-toolbox-packet-decrypt(1), sq-toolbox-packet-split(1), sq-toolbox-packet-join(1).
For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.
0.38.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.21.2)
Referenced By
sq-toolbox(1), sq-toolbox-packet-decrypt(1), sq-toolbox-packet-dump(1), sq-toolbox-packet-join(1), sq-toolbox-packet-split(1).