sq-packet-split - Man Page

Split a message into packets


sq packet split [Options] FILE


Split a message into packets.

Splitting a packet sequence into individual packets, then recombining them freely with `sq packet join` is a great way to experiment with OpenPGP data.

By default, the packets are written to stdout as a sequence of ASCII armored blocks.  It is possible to edit this file directly (e.g., moving, adding, or removing packets), and then use `sq packet join` to assemble the stream.

Alternatively, if a `--output-prefix` is given, the packets are written into individual files starting with the prefix, and can be reassembled with `sq packet join`.

The converse operation is `sq packet join`.


Subcommand options


Emit binary data


Write to FILE or stdout if omitted


Write packets to individual files starting with the given prefix.

The file names are formed by joining the prefix, the path of the packet in the source object (recall: packets can be nested), and a human-readable packet type with dashes ('-').


Read from FILE or stdin if FILE is '-'

[default: -]

Global options

See sq(1) for a description of the global options.


Split a certificate into individual packets printed to stdout.

    sq packet split --output=- juliet.pgp

Split a inline-signed message into individual packets written to individual files with the prefix 'packet'.

    sq packet split --output-prefix packet document.pgp

Then reassemble the message, transforming it into an old-style signed message with a prefix signature.

    sq packet join --output prefix-signature.pgp --label message \
    packet-2-Signature-Packet packet-1-Literal-Data-Packet

See Also

sq(1), sq-packet(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


1.1.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.22.0)

Referenced By


1.1.0 Sequoia PGP