sq-network-keyserver - Man Page

Retrieve and publishes certificates via key servers


sq network keyserver search [OPTIONS] QUERY
sq network keyserver publish [OPTIONS]  


Retrieve and publishes certificates via key servers.

The OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol (HKP) is a method for publishing and retrieving certificates from key servers.


sq network keyserver publish

Publish certificates on key servers.

Sends certificates to the configured key servers for publication.  By default, the certificates are sent to `hkps://keys.openpgp.org`, `hkps://mail-api.proton.me`, `hkps://keys.mailvelope.com`, `hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com`, and `hkps://sks.pod01.fleetstreetops.com`.  This can be tweaked using `--servers`.


sq network keyserver publish

Publish Alice's certificate on the default keyservers.

    sq network keyserver publish --cert-email=alice@example.org

See Also

sq(1), sq-network(1), sq-network-keyserver-search(1), sq-network-keyserver-publish(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


1.1.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.22.0)

Referenced By

sq-network(1), sq-network-keyserver-publish(1), sq-network-keyserver-search(1).

1.1.0 Sequoia PGP