sq-network - Man Page

Retrieve and publish certificates over the network


sq network search [OPTIONS] QUERY
sq network keyserver [OPTIONS]  SUBCOMMAND
sq network wkd [OPTIONS]  SUBCOMMAND
sq network dane [OPTIONS]  SUBCOMMAND


Retrieve and publish certificates over the network.

OpenPGP certificates can be discovered and updated from, and published on services accessible over the network.  This is a collection of commands to interact with these services.


sq network keyserver

Retrieve and publishes certificates via key servers.

The OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol (HKP) is a method for publishing and retrieving certificates from key servers.

sq network wkd

Retrieve and publishes certificates via Web Key Directories.

The Web Key Directory (WKD) is a method for publishing and retrieving certificates from web servers.

sq network dane

Retrieve and publishes certificates via DANE.

DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) is a method for publishing and retrieving certificates in DNS as specified in RFC 7929.


Search for the Qubes master signing certificate.

    sq network search 427F11FD0FAA4B080123F01CDDFA1A3E36879494

Search for certificates that have are associated with an email address.

    sq network search alice@example.org

See Also

sq(1), sq-network-search(1), sq-network-keyserver(1), sq-network-wkd(1), sq-network-dane(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


1.1.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.22.0)

Referenced By

sq(1), sq-network-dane(1), sq-network-dane-generate(1), sq-network-dane-search(1), sq-network-keyserver(1), sq-network-keyserver-publish(1), sq-network-keyserver-search(1), sq-network-search(1), sq-network-wkd(1), sq-network-wkd-publish(1), sq-network-wkd-search(1).

1.1.0 Sequoia PGP