sq-key-password - Man Page

Change the password protecting secret key material


sq key password [Options]  


Change the password protecting secret key material.

Secret key material can be protected by a password.  This subcommand changes or clears the password.

To strip the password either use `--clear` or supply a zero-length password when prompted for the new password.

If a key is password protected, and the correct password was not supplied using the `--password-file` argument, the user is prompted for the password.  Likewise, if the new password isn't provided, the user is prompted.


Subcommand options


Emit binary data


Change the password of the specified certificate's keys


Change the password of the specified certificate's keys.

Read the certificate from FILE or stdin, if `-`.  It is an error for the file to contain more than one certificate.


Clear the password protecting the secret key material


File containing password to encrypt the secret key material.

Note that the entire key file will be used as the password including any surrounding whitespace like a trailing newline.


Write to FILE or stdout if omitted

Global options

See sq(1) for a description of the global options.


Change the password for all of Alice's keys to the password in the specified file.

    sq key password --new-password-file password-file.txt --cert \

Clear the password protection for all of Alice's keys.

    sq key password --password-file password-file.txt \
    --clear-password --cert \


See Also

sq(1), sq-key(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


0.38.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.21.2)

Referenced By


0.38.0 Sequoia PGP