splunk-client - Man Page

Splunk Client


sc [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--login <login>] [--password <password>] [--insecure] <subcommand> [<arguments>,...]


This is remote client for Splunk log search engine based upon WWW::Splunk. It is currently quite limited in capabilities, but intended and designed to be extended in future.


--host <host>

Sets remote server to connect to. Defaults to localhost.

--port <port>

Sets port of remote server to connect to. Defaults to 8089. Please note that this is the management port, not the WWW interface port.

--login <login>

User name of the user to connect to Splunk as. Defaults to admin. The defaults for username and password will probably (hopefully?) not suit your configuration.

--password <password>

Password of the user to connect to Splunk as. Defaults to changeme.


Tolerate SSL errors.

<subcommand> [<arguments>]

Subcommand to run. Currently defined is just search.


search [-t|--since <time>] [-T|--until <time>] [-f|--format compact|long|raw] <search string>

Conduct a search, output the raw log data as they are looked up. Terminate when the search is finished.

-t, --since <time>

Cut off at given time. The time specification is any string understood by Date::Manip. Most common formats apply as well as human-readable relative time specifications (see Examples).

Use rt for real time search, optionally with specifcation of the search window, such as rt-10 for 10-second window, or rt-1m for one minute.

Defaults to unlimited.

-T, --until <time>

Do not look for entries newer than given time. The format of the time specification is the same as for --since option.

If this or --since is rt a real-time search is conducted.

-f,  --format compact|long|raw

Switch output format style.

Environment Variables


Splunk login.


Splunk password.


sc --host splunk.example.net --login user --password s1kr3t2 search --since '2 days ago' --until yesterday 'network AND error | head 10'

Perform a simple search query limited by given time frame.

sc search --since 'rt-30' 'source=/var/log/httpd/access_log |stats count by http_status_code'

Perform a simple real-time search.

See Also

WWW::Splunk, WWW::Splunk::API


Lubomir Rintel, <lkundrak@v3.sk>, Michal Josef Špaček <skim@cpan.org>

The code is hosted on GitHub <http://github.com/michal-josef-spacek/perl-WWW-Splunk>. Bug fixes and feature enhancements are always welcome.


2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation