smbios-upflag-ctl - Man Page



smbios-upflag-ctl [options]


--help,       -h

Displays this information

--memory_file,        -m <args>

Debug: Memory dump file to use instead of physical memory

--cmos_file,  -c <args>

Debug: CMOS dump file to use instead of physical cmos

--set,        -s

Set Boot To UP Flag to true

--clear,      -c

Set Boot To UP Flag to false

--get,        -g

Set Boot To UP Flag to true

--version,    -v

Display libsmbios version information

See Also

The full documentation for smbios-upflag-ctl is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and smbios-upflag-ctl programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info smbios-upflag-ctl

should give you access to the complete manual.


July 2024 smbios-upflag-ctl 2.4.3