slurp - Man Page

select a region in a Wayland compositor

Examples (TL;DR)


slurp [options...]


slurp is a command-line utility to select a region from Wayland compositors which support the layer-shell protocol. It lets the user hold the pointer to select, or click to cancel the selection.

If the standard input is not a TTY or the -r option is used, slurp will read a list of predefined rectangles for quick selection. Each line must be in the form "<x>,<y> <width>x<height> [label]". The label is optional and can be any string that doesn't contain newlines. It can be accessed using the "%l" sequence in a format string.

If the Esc key is pressed, selection is cancelled. If the Space key is held, the selection is moved instead of being resized.



Show help message and quit.


Display dimensions of selection.

-b color

Set background color. See Colors for more detail.

-c color

Set border color. See Colors for more detail.

-s color

Set selection color. See Colors for more detail.

-B color

Set color for highlighting predefined rectangles from standard input when not selected.

-F font family

Set the font family name when displaying the dimensions box. Only useful when combined with the -d option. The available font family names guaranteed to work are the standard generic CSS2 options: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive and fantasy. It defaults to the sans-serif family name.

-w weight

Set border weight.

-f format

Set format. See Format for more detail.


Select a single pixel instead of a rectangle. This mode ignores any predefined rectangles read from the standard input.


Add predefined rectangles for all outputs, as if provided on standard input. The label will be the name of the output.


Require the user to select one of the predefined rectangles. These can come from standard input, if -o is used, the rectangles of all display outputs. This option conflicts with -p.

-a width:height

Force selections to have the given aspect ratio. This constraint is not applied to the predefined rectangles specified using -o.


Colors may be specified in #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA format. The # is optional.


Interpreted sequences are:

%x The x-coordinate of the selection

%y The y-coordinate of the selection

%w The width of the selection

%h The height of the selection

%X The x-coordinate of the selection with coordinates relative to the output

containing the top left corner.

%Y The y-coordinate of the selection with coordinates relative to the output

containing the top left corner.

%W The width of the selection cropped to the output containing the top left


%H The height of the selection cropped to the output containing the top left


%l Label included with region from stdin

%o The name of the output containing the top left corner, or "<unknown>" if

not known

The default format is "%x,%y %wx%h\n".

Keyboard Controls

The following keyboard actions can be used during selection:

Escape Cancel the selection and exit slurp

Space If currently making a selection, while space is held down, move the entire selection rather than change the selection's size as you move the pointer.

Shift Experimental. If the -a option wasn't specified, then set the aspect ratio to 1:1 while shift is held down, releasing it restores the un-constrained aspect ratio. Note: This behavior may change in the future depending on feedback.


Maintained by Simon Ser <>, who is assisted by other open-source contributors. For more information about slurp development, see

Referenced By

wl-mirror(1), wl-present(1).
