simplevisor - Man Page
simple daemons supervisor
simplevisor [--conf CONF][--conftype CONFTYPE][--daemon][--interval INTERVAL][-h][--log LOG][--logfile LOGFILE][--loglevel LOGLEVEL][--logname LOGNAME][-p PIDFILE][--store STORE][--version] command [path]
Simplevisor is a simple daemons supervisor, it is inspired by Erlang OTP and it can supervise hierarchies of services.
If a path is given or only one service entry is given:
for a given X command
run the service X command where service is the only entry provided
or the entry identified by its path
If a path is given and the root entry is a supervisor:
tell a running simplevisor process to restart the child identified
by the given path; it is different from the restart command as
described above because, this way, we are sure that the running
simplevisor will not attempt to check/start/stop the child while
we restart it
If a path is not given and the root entry is a supervisor:
start the simplevisor process which start the supervision.
It can be used with --daemon if you want it as daemon
stop the simplevisor process and all its children, if running
return the status of the simplevisor process
return the comparison between the expected state and the actual state.
0 -> everything is fine
1 -> warning, not expected
execute one cycle of supervision and exit.
Useful to be run in a cron script
tell a running simplevisor process to wake up and supervise
only stop the simplevisor process but not the children
only stop the children but not the simplevisor process
only check the configuration file
generate pod format help to be used by pod2man to generate man page
generate rst format help to be used in the web doc
same as -h/--help, print help page
positional arguments:
command check, check_configuration, help, pod, restart, restart_child, rst, single, start, status, stop, stop_children, stop_supervisor, wake_up
path path to a service, subset of commands available: start, stop, status, check, restart
optional arguments:
--conf CONF configuration file
--conftype CONFTYPE configuration file type (default: apache)
--daemon daemonize, ONLY with start
--interval INTERVAL interval to wait between supervision cycles (default: 60)
-h, --help print the help page
--log LOG available: null, file, syslog, stdout (default: stdout)
--logfile LOGFILE log file, ONLY for file
--loglevel LOGLEVEL log level (default: warning)
--logname LOGNAME log name (default: simplevisor)
-p, --pidfile PIDFILE the pidfile
--store STORE file where to store the state, it is not mandatory, however recommended to store the simplevisor nodes status between restarts
--version print the program version
Create and edit the main configuration file:
## look for simplevisor.conf.example in the examples.
Run it:
simplevisor --conf /path/to/simplevisor.conf start
to run it in daemon mode:
simplevisor --conf /path/to/simplevisor.conf --daemon start
For other commands:
simplevisor --help
Given the example configuration, to start the httpd service:
simplevisor --conf /path/to/simplevisor.conf start svisor1/httpd
Massimo Paladin <>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2021