sasl-xoauth2-tool - Man Page
sasl-xoauth2-tool [-h] {get-token,test-config,test-token-refresh} ...
Positional Arguments
COMMAND 'sasl-xoauth2-tool get-token'
usage: sasl-xoauth2-tool get-token [-h] --client-id CLIENT_ID
[--tenant TENANT]
[--client-secret CLIENT_SECRET]
[--scope SCOPE] [--use-device-flow]
{outlook,gmail} [output_file]
Fetches initial access and refresh tokens from an OAuth 2 provider
- {outlook,gmail}
service type
- output_file
output file, '-' for stdout
OPTIONS 'sasl-xoauth2-tool get-token'
- --client-id CLIENT_ID
required for both services
- --tenant TENANT
wanted by 'outlook' (defaults to 'consumers')
- --client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
required for both services, will prompt the user if blank
- --scope SCOPE
required for 'gmail'
- --use-device-flow
use simplified device flow for Outlook/Azure
- --overwrite-existing-token
overwrite existing token file (preserves extra fields)
COMMAND 'sasl-xoauth2-tool test-config'
usage: sasl-xoauth2-tool test-config [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
Tests a sasl-xoauth2 config file for syntax errors
OPTIONS 'sasl-xoauth2-tool test-config'
- --config-file CONFIG_FILE
config file path (defaults to '/etc/sasl-xoauth2.conf')
COMMAND 'sasl-xoauth2-tool test-token-refresh'
usage: sasl-xoauth2-tool test-token-refresh [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
Tests that a token can be refreshed (i.e., that the OAuth 2 flow is working correctly)
- token_file
file containing initial access token
OPTIONS 'sasl-xoauth2-tool test-token-refresh'
- --config-file CONFIG_FILE
config file path (defaults to '/etc/sasl-xoauth2.conf')
Tarick Bedeir
The latest version of sasl-xoauth2 may be downloaded from