rv-mon-wip - Man Page
Wakeup In Preemptive monitor
rv mon wip [Options]
The wakeup in preemptive (wip) monitor is a sample per-cpu monitor that checks if the wakeup events always take place with preemption disabled.
See kernel documentation for further information about this monitor: < <https://docs.kernel.org/trace/rv/monitor_wip.html> >
- -h, --help
Print the monitor's options and the available reactors list.
- -r, --reactor reactor
Enables the reactor. See -h for a list of available reactors.
- -s, --self
When tracing (-t), also print the events that happened during the rv command itself. If the rv command itself generates too many events, the tool might get busy processing its own events only.
- -t, --trace
Trace monitor's events and error.
- -v, --verbose
Print debug messages.
See Also
Linux kernel RV documentation: < <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/trace/rv/index.html> >
Written by Daniel Bristot de Oliveira < <bristot@kernel.org> >
Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to < <linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org> > and < <linux-trace-devel@vger.kernel.org> >
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Copyright (C) 2022 Red Hat, Inc. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).