rs232 - Man Page
RS-232 control and serial communications
sjinn ption [options] ...
Communications Options
- -d, --file [default /dev/ttyS0] serial I/O device
- -b, --baud [default 9600] set baud rate
50,75,110,134,150,200,300,600,1200,1800,2400,9600, 19200,38400,57600,115200,230400
- -p, --comm [default 8N1] set databits,parity,stopbits
(5,6,7,8)(N,E,O)(1,2) note: 3 character string each parameter is a single character i.e. '7N2' mark and space parity not supported
- --xonxoff [default off] XON/XOFF - software flow control
- --rtscts [default off] RTS/CTS - hardware flow control
- --dtr [default enabled] disable DTR
- --rts [default disabled] enable RTS
- -s, --send STRING write string to device
note: in addition to ASCII characters the following control-chars are supported: \r \n \0 \p \h \w \\
- -r, --read
- INT read n characters from device
- -w, --wait
- FLOAT [default 0.5] seconds between send & read
- --pause
- FLOAT [default = wait] wait time for pause-character, if not specified it is set to the value of the -w parameter
- -m, --msec
- specify \w and \p in milliseconds instead of seconds
Formatting Options
--hex [default=ASCII] display read buffer in hex values
--hex+ [default=ASCII] display read buffer in hex + ASCII
- --wrap
- INT wrap lines at n characters
- --trim
- INT truncate lines at n characters
--n, --nolf do not output the trailing new line
- --verbose
- verbose
- -h, --help
- display this help and exit
- -V, --version
- output version and exit
Send String Control-Characters
- \\ Back-Slash
- \- Minus-Sign (dash)
- \n LF
- \r CR
- \p Pause
Delay number of seconds/mSec defined by --pause
- \w Wait
Delay number of seconds/mSec specified, number must be followed by a space (example: -s"cmd1\n\w.5 cmd2\n")
- \h Hex Mode
Toggle to/from hex mode, hex codes must be 2-characters followed by a space (example: -s"command1\h9e 4c\h\n")
Brian Peterson, Aspen Research Corporation
Report bugs at <>
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY