retrace-server-task - Man Page
Create a task, get and set fields on an existing task
retrace-server-task create [-h] [-n] [-s SERVER] [-v] [-u | -k] [-t | -m | -f] [-i] [-d] [-bz BUGZILLANO] [-c CASENO] [-e EMAIL] [-o OS_RELEASE] [-p PACKAGE] [-x EXECUTABLE] [-r KERNELVER] [--vmem VMEM] COREFILE
retrace-server-task restart [-h] [-n] [-s SERVER] [-v] [-bz BUGZILLANO] [-c CASENO] [-e EMAIL] [-r KERNELVER] TASK_ID
retrace-server-task get [-h] [-n] [-p PASSWORD] [-s SERVER] [-v] [-b | -bz | -c | -e | -m | -t] TASK_ID
retrace-server-task set [-h] [-n] [-p PASSWORD] [-s SERVER] [-v] [-bz BUGZILLANO] [-c CASENO] [-e EMAIL] TASK_ID
This tool is able to communicate with Retrace server: create a new task, restart an existing task, get and set values of an existing task. If kerberos ticket is available, all communication uses it. To stop using the ticket you must destroy it (kdestroy).
- create
Create a new task. Task can be either http task (COREFILE is compressed and sent through http API), manager task (/manager site must be available) or ftp task (same as manager task, but uses ftp file). If none of the options "-t", "-m", or "-f" are given, the following logic is tried. If COREFILE is a local file, then the "-m" option is used, otherwise the "-f" option is used.
- restart
Restart an existing task. Note that restarting an existing task removes all files inside the results directory.
- set
Write (set) information on an existing task. Available only for manager and ftp task. See retrace-server-interact for setting the success or failure of a task. See Set Options section for list of set options available.
- get
Read (get) information on an existing task. If no parameters specified the output will default to the task status. See Get Options section for list of get options available.
- batch
Very similar to create (has the same parameters) but also waits until task is finished. If the task finishes successfully thebacktrace is downloaded
Common Options
- -h, --help
Display help and exit.
- -n, --no-verify
Do not verify certificate. (off by default)
- -p, --password PASSWORD
Password of the task (only for http tasks)
- -s, --server SERVER
URL for Retrace server. If not specified local server is tried and if not available is used.
- -v, --verbose
Be verbose. Note this also turns on debug logging for create, batch or restart operations.
Create or Batch Options
- -bz BUGZILLANO, --bugzillano BUGZILLANO
Write the bugzillano field in the task to BUGZILLANO. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -c CASENO, --caseno CASENO
Write the caseno field in the task to CASENO. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
Write the email field in the task to EMAIL. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -d, --no-md5
Do not calculate md5sum on the task. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -u, --userspace_core
The COREFILE specified is userspace core.
- -k, --kernel_core
The COREFILE specified is kernel core. (default)
- -t, --http
The COREFILE is assumed to be a local file, submitted through http
- -f, --ftp
The COREFILE is assumed to be on the ftp server as configured in retrace-server
- -m, --manager
The COREFILE is assumed to be either a URL that is wget-able or a local file
- -i, --interactive
Create an interactive (persistent) task that may be accessed later in an interactive debug session. Without this option, manager and ftp tasks are interactive, and http tasks are not.
- --vmem VMEM
Virtual memory file VMEM needed for retracing kernel vmcore snapshots. Only valid for kernel cores.
- -r KERNELVER, --kernelver KERNELVER
Force the kernel version in the COREFILE to KERNELVER. Only valid for kernel cores.
- -o OS_RELEASE, --os_release OS_RELEASE
Force the version of the operating system in COREFILE to OS_RELEASE. Only valid for userspace cores.
- -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE
Force the version of the RPM package corresponding to COREFILE to PACKAGE. Only valid for userspace cores.
- -x EXECUTABLE, --executable EXECUTABLE
Force the COREDUMP executable to EXECUTABLE. Only valid for userspace cores.
Restart Options
- -bz BUGZILLANO, --bugzillano BUGZILLANO
Write the bugzillano field in the task to BUGZILLANO. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -c CASENO, --caseno CASENO
Write the caseno field in the task to CASENO. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
Write the email field in the task to EMAIL. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -r KERNELVER, --kernelver KERNELVER
Force the kernel version in the task to KERNELVER. Only valid for kernel cores.
Get Options
- -b, --backtrace
Return the backtrace in a file in the current directory
- -bz, --bugzillano
Return the value of the bugzillano field in the task to the terminal. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -c, --caseno
Return the value of the caseno field in the task to the terminal. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -e, --email
Return the value of the email field in the task to the terminal. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -m, --md5sum
Return the md5sum field in the task to the terminal. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -t, --status
Return the status field in the task to the terminal. If no option is given, this field is selected as default.
Set Options
- -bz BUGZILLANO, --bugzillano BUGZILLANO
Write the bugzillano field in the task to BUGZILLANO. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -c CASENO, --caseno CASENO
Write the caseno field in the task to CASENO. Available only for manager and ftp task.
- -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
Write the email field in the task to EMAIL. Available only for manager and ftp task.
Create a task from a local file (kernel vmcore)
retrace-server-task create ./localfile
Create a task where the file (kernel vmcore) exists on FTP server
retrace-server-task create 012345-vmcore
Create a task for kernel vmcore snapshot with vmem file included
retrace-server-task create 012345-vmcore.vmss --vmem 012345-vmcore.vmem
Batch run local file on (usperspace core)
retrace-server-task batch -u -t -o "Fedora release 25 (Twenty five)" -p \ "coreutils-8.25-17.fc25" -x "/usr/bin/sleep" ./coredump
Read the md5sum field for task 925483242
retrace-server-task get --md5sum 925483242
Write the caseno field for task 925483242 to 01234567
retrace-server-task set --caseno 01234567 925483242
Write the bugzillano field for task 31415926 to 53589793, 23846264
retrace-server-task set --bugzillano 53589793,23846264 31415926
Restart task 790216008
retrace-server-task restart 790216008
Restart task 164167944 forcing kernel version to 4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64
retrace-server-task restart 790216008 --kernelver 4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64
- Matej Marusak <[1]>
- 1.