resalloc-openstack-new - Man Page
atomically allocate VM with additional resources in openstack
resalloc-openstack-new [-h] [--name NAME] --image IMAGE [--floating-ip-from FLOATING_IP_NETWORK] --flavor FLAVOR [--alloc-volume VOLUMES] [--post-command COMMAND] [--print-ip] [--key-pair-id KEY_PAIR_ID] [--nic NICS] [--security-group SECURITY_GROUPS]
Start a new VM in openstack, with some dependant resources (swap volumes or floating IPs ATM).
The important thing is that the script aims to behave as atomically as possible, in a sense that either everything is allocated as requested, or the script fails (without any leftovers).
- --name NAME
Choose the name for the resulting VM
- --image IMAGE
- --floating-ip-from FLOATING_IP_NETWORK
allocate floating ip from network, check 'neutron net-list'
- --flavor FLAVOR
openstack flavor, see 'nova flavor-list'
- --alloc-volume VOLUMES
allocate volumes by cinder
- --post-command COMMAND
run COMMAND after VM is started, and fail if the script fails too. The variables RESALLOC_OS_NAME and RESALLOC_OS_IP are exported into environment of those scripts.
- --print-ip
after successful allocation, print IP on standard output
- --key-pair-id KEY_PAIR_ID
use specific key, see ids (== names) in `nova keypair-list`
- --nic NICS
comma-separated, key=value,foo=baz arguments (see nova.servers.create(nics=...) help
- --security-group SECURITY_GROUPS
A security group name
Pavel Raiskup <>
The latest version of resalloc-openstack may be downloaded from