reporter-systemd-journal - Man Page
Reports problem information into systemd journal.
reporter-systemd-journal [-v] [-d DIR] [-m MESSAGEID] [-F FMTFILE] [-p NONE|ESSENTIAL|FULL] [-s SYSLOGID]
The tool reads problem directory DIR and sends its details into systemd journal as a message. If MESSAGEID is defined, the tool creates a catalog message as well. By parameter -p it can be specified how much detailed the report will be.
Catalog message: -- 13a16aacbc85495c96e3627cc64f5263 Subject: testing reporter-systemd-journal message Defined-By: libreport Testing reporter-systemd-journal catalog message @PROBLEM_REPORT@ This usually indicates a programming error in the crashing program. Formatting file: %summary:: Formatting reporter-systemd-journal message ::%bare_%short_backtrace Reporting: # reporter-systemd-journal --message-id 13a16aacbc85495c96e3627cc64f5263 -F $FORMATTING_FILE Systemd journal catalog message: Sep 27 16:50:49 reporter-systemd-journal[31675]: Formatting reporter-systemd-journal message -- Subject: testing reporter-systemd-journal message -- Defined-By: libreport -- -- Testing reporter-systemd-journal catalog message -- -- #1 crash in /usr/bin/will_segfault -- #2 varargs in /usr/bin/will_segfault -- #3 f in /usr/bin/will_segfault -- #4 callback in /usr/bin/will_segfault -- #5 call_me_back in /usr/lib64/ -- -- This usually indicates a programming error in the crashing program.
- -d DIR
Path to problem directory.
- -m MESSAGEID, --message-id MESSAGEID
Catalog message id.
Formatting file for systemd journal catalog message.
Defines how much detailed the report will be. NONE means only default problem details, as reason, pid etc., are sent into journal. ESSENTIAL means less important problem details are sent as well. FULL means all text problem dir details are sent into journal.
- -s SYSLOGID, --syslog-id SYSLOGID
Define SYSLOD_IDENTIFIER systemd journal field.
- -v
Be more verbose. Can be given multiple times.
Environment Variables
Define SYSLOD_IDENTIFIER systemd journal field.
See Also
- ABRT team