reporter-mantisbt - Man Page

Reports problem to Mantis Bug Tracker.


reporter-mantisbt [-vrf] [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR


reporter-mantisbt [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE...


reporter-mantisbt [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH


The tool reads problem directory DIR. Then it logs in to MantisBT and tries to find an issue with the same duphash HEXSTRING in abrt_hash field.

If such issue is not found, then a new issue is created. Elements of DIR are stored in the issue as part of issue description or as attachments, depending on their type and size.

Otherwise, if such issue is found and it is marked as CLOSED DUPLICATE, the tool follows the chain of duplicates until it finds a non-DUPLICATE issue. The tool adds a new note to found issue.

The URL to new or modified issue is printed to stdout and recorded in reported_to element in DIR.

Option -t uploads FILEs to the already created issue on MantisBT site. The issue ID is retrieved from directory specified by -d DIR. If problem data in DIR was never reported to MantisBT, upload will fail.

Option -tID uploads FILEs to the issue with specified ID on MantisBT site. -d DIR is ignored.

Option -r sets the last url from reporter_to element which is prefixed with TRACKER_NAME to URL field. This option is applied only when a new issue is to be filed. The default value is ABRT Server"

Configuration file

If not specified, CONFFILE defaults to /etc/libreport/plugins/mantisbt.conf. and to user’s local ~/.config/libreport/mantisbt.conf. Configuration file lines should have PARAM = VALUE format. The parameters are: User’s local configuration overrides the system wide configuration.


Login to MantisBT account.


Password to MantisBT account.


MantisBT HTTP(S) address. (default: http://localhost/mantisbt)


Use yes/true/on/1 to verify server’s SSL certificate. (default: no)


Project issue field value. Useful if you needed different project than specified in /etc/os-release


Version issue field value. Useful if you needed different project version than specified in /etc/os-release


Create private MantisBT issue. (default: no)

Parameters can be overridden via $Mantisbt_PARAM environment variables.

Formatting configuration files

Lines starting with # are ignored.

Lines can be continued on the next line using trailing backslash.



summary format"


element1[,element2]..." The literal text line to be added to MantisBT Description or Additional information. Can be empty. (Empty lines are NOT ignored!)

Summary format is a line of text, where %element% is replaced by
text element's content, and [[...%element%...]] block is used only if
%element% exists. [[...]] blocks can nest.
Sections can be:
- %summary: issue Summary format string.
- %attach: a list of elements to attach.
- %Additional info: issue Additional Information content.
- text, double colon (::) and the list of comma-separated elements.
Description and Additional information MantisBT's fields:
All text, double colons (::) and lists of comma-separated elements which
are placed above the section '%Additional info::' in the configuration file are
stored in the 'Description' field in MantisBT. All text etc. which are placed
under the '%Additional info::' are stored in the 'Additional information' field.
For example:
|:: comment               |  (Description)
|                         |  (Description)
|Package:: package        |  (Description)
|                         |  (Description)
|%Additional_info::       |
|%reporter%               |  (Additional info)
|User:: user_name,uid     |  (Additional info)
|                         |  (Additional info)
|Directories:: root,cwd   |  (Additional info)
Elements can be:
- problem directory element names, which get formatted as
  <element_name>: <contents>
- problem directory element names prefixed by "%bare_",
  which is formatted as-is, without "<element_name>:" and colons
- %oneline, %multiline, %text wildcards, which select all corresponding
  elements for output or attachment
- %binary wildcard, valid only for %attach section, instructs to attach
  binary elements
- problem directory element names prefixed by "-",
  which excludes given element from all wildcards
Nonexistent elements are silently ignored.
If none of elements exists, the section will not be created.

Integration with ABRT events

reporter-mantisbt can be used as an ABRT reporter. Example fragment for /etc/libreport/report_event.conf:

# Report Python crashes
EVENT=report_CentOSBugTracker analyzer=Python
      reporter-mantisbt -d . -c /etc/libreport/plugins/mantisbt.conf


-d DIR

Path to problem directory.


Path to configuration file.


Force reporting even if this problem is already reported.


Formatting file for new issues. Default: /etc/libreport/plugins/mantisbt_format.conf


Formatting file for duplicates. Default: /etc/libreport/plugins/mantisbt_formatdup.conf


Upload FILEs to the already created issue on MantisBT site.

-h,  --duphash DUPHASH

Search in MantisBT by abrt’s DUPHASH and print ISSUE_ID.


Set the last url from reporter_to element which is prefixed with TRACKER_NAME to URL field in MantisBT.

Environment Variables

Environment variables take precedence over values provided in the configuration file.


Login to MantisBT account.


Password to MantisBT account.


MantisBT HTTP(S) address. (default: http://localhost/mantisbt)


Use yes/true/on/1 to verify server’s SSL certificate. (default: no)


Project issue field value. Useful if you needed different project than specified in /etc/os-release


Version issue field value. Useful if you needed different project version than specified in /etc/os-release


Create private MantisBT issue. (default: no)



Readonly default configuration files.


Configuration file.


User’s local configuration file.


Configure formating for reporting.


Configure formating for reporting duplicates.

See Also

report_event.conf(5), mantisbt_format.conf(5), mantisbt_formatdup.conf(5)


Referenced By

mantisbt.conf(5), mantisbt_format_analyzer_libreport.conf(5), mantisbt_format.conf(5), mantisbt_formatdup_analyzer_libreport.conf(5), mantisbt_formatdup.conf(5), report_CentOSBugTracker.conf(5).