razor-revoke - Man Page

Razor Revoking Agent


    razor-revoke [options]  file_with_mail_in_rfc822_format

    $ cat mail | razor-revoke
    $ razor-revoke ./mail 
    $ razor-revoke -d ./mail


razor-revoke is the Razor Revoking Agent which is used for reporting messages as NOT spam to a Razor Nomination Server. For instance, it can be invoked if a check incorrectly marked a message as spam or after a message was incorrectly reported as spam. razor-revoke should be generally called from a MUA, although there are no restrictions on invoking it from the command-line. razor-revoke is a filter, which means that spam messages should be piped through it. By default, razor-revoke backgrounds and detaches itself from the control terminal at start-up.

If razor-revoke is passed more than one mail, it will revoke each against the database.  Please use this with caution, we don't want the database to have inaccurate information. razor-revoke supports mbox-formatted files with 1 or more mails in them as well as files containing a single RFC 822 (non-mbox) mail. More than one file may be present on the command line, can be either a non-mbox or mbox in any order. However, more than one non-mbox mail cannot be read from stdin.

Both razor-report(1) and razor-revoke require user authentication to work, see razor-admin(1). This allows the Razor Nomination Server to keep track of how many messages a user reports and revokes. The more messages a user correctly reports and/or correctly revokes, the more trust the user earns. Likewise, when messages are incorrectly reported or revoked, the trust goes down for that user. Highly trusted users will have the most affect on the Razor database.

Note that even after a successful revoke, a mail might still be considered spam in the Razor Catalogue. For instance, this can occur if more trusted users consider the mail spam than not spam.


razor-revoke takes following arguments:


Print a usage message and exit.


Print the version number and exit.

-d | --verbose

Print debugging information.

-debuglevel=n | -dl=n

Set debug level to 'n'.  Default is 3 without -d option, 9 with.


Specify file to use for whitelisting.  Overrides 'whitelist' option in razor-agent.conf.


Simulate a check. Do everything except talk to the server.


Specifies an alternate configuration file. If not specified, it is computed, see razor-agents(1) manpage for details. See razor-agent.conf(5) manpage for various configuration options. The default is <razorhome>/razor-agent.conf.


Specify razorhome directory.  This is where the configuration file,  logfiles, identities, and server files live. If not specified, it is computed, see razor-agents(1) manpage for details.


Specify file to log to instead of whats in configuration file. The default is <razorhome>/razor-agent.log.


Specify an identify file to use for authenticating with Razor Servers. If not specified, <razorhome>/identity-<user> is used.


Use this Razor Nomination Server instead of reading servers.nomination.lst.

-M | --mbox

Accept a mailbox name on the command line and revoke every mail in the mailbox against the database. If in foreground, -f, razor-revoke will print out the mail number of every mail that was accepted by the Catalogue server.

 C<razor-revoke -f -M ~/Mail/incorrectly-marked-spam>

Used identity from filename instead of reading <razorhome>/identity.


Authenticate only. If authenticated, exit 0; if not, exit 1.


Stay in foreground, do not detach and run in background.

Integration with Mutt

Add the following line to mutt.conf

     macro index R "|/usr/bin/razor-revoke"

Then press R on the spam message in mutt to report it with razor-revoke. Since razor-revoke forks, the control will return immediately.


Vipul Ved Prakash <mail@vipul.net>, and Chad Norwood <chad@samo.org>

See Also

razor-agents(1), razor-agent.conf(5), razor-check(1),  razor-admin(1), razor-report(1), razor-whitelist(5)


This is free software, distributed under the Artistic License 2.0.

Referenced By

razor-admin(1), razor-agent.conf(5), razor-agents(5), razor-check(1), razor-report(1), razor-whitelist(5).

2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation