rasm2 - Man Page
radare2 assembler and disassembler tool
This tool uses r_asm to assemble and disassemble files or hexpair strings. It supports a large list of architectures which can be listed using the -L flag.
- -a arch
Set architecture plugin
- -A
Show analysis information of given hexpair string
- -b bits
Set architecture bits
- -B
Binary input/output (-l is mandatory for binary input)
- -c cpu
Select specific CPU (depends on -a arch)
- -C
Output in C format
- -d
Disassemble hexpair bytes. rasm2 -d 9090
- -D
Disassemble showing hexpair and opcode
- -e
Use big endian (or swap endianness if used more than once)
- -E
Output disassembled instructions in ESIL format.
- -f
Read data from file instead of ARG.
- -F in:out
Specify input and/or output filters (att2intel, x86.pseudo, ...)
- -h
Show usage help message.
- -hh
Show long help message including supported assembler directives
- -l int
Input/Output length
- -i int
Ignore/skip N bytes from the beginning of the input buffer
- -L
List loaded asm plugins
- -s offset
Offset of the opcode to assemble (default is 0)
- -@ offset
Alias for -s
- -N
Dont load any plugin, same as R2_NOPLUGINS=1 or r2 -NN
- -o ofile
- -r
Show output in r2 script
- -S syntax
Select syntax output (intel, att, masm, ...)
- -w
Describe opcode (whats op)
- -x
Use hex dwords instead of hexpairs in the assembler output
- -q
Quiet output (handy for -L, -v, ...)
List the supported assembler and preprocessor directives with:
$rasm2 -hh
Assemble opcode:
$ rasm2 -a x86 -b 32 'mov eax, 33'
Disassemble opcode:
$ rasm2 -d 90
See Also
pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>