ransubg - Man Page
manual page for ransubg 2.8.9
ransubg [-lq] [-P#|-P#/#] [-z] [-o] [-m#] [-S#] [infile [outfile]]
Extract random graph/digraphs of a file of graphs.
The output file has a header if and only if the input file does. The output format is defined by the header or first graph,
but is always digraph6 if -z is used.
- -z
Treat the input as a directed graph
- -o
Treat the input as a directed graph and output an oriented graph
- -P# or -P#/#
Specify a probability p. -P# is the same as -P1/#
- -m#
Make this many outputs for each input (default 1)
- -l
Canonically label outputs.
- -S#
Set seed for random numbers (default nondeterministic)
Usually each edge is kept with probability p. In the case of -o, each edge in one direction only is kept
with probability p. For edges in both directions, with probability p keep one direction randomly chosen and with probability 1-p delete both directions. Thus -oP1 will make a random orientation of an undirected graph.
- -q
Suppress auxiliary information.