qsub - Man Page
submit a batch job in a familiar PBS format
Examples (TL;DR)
- Submit a script with default settings (depends on TORQUE settings):
qsub script.sh
- Submit a script with a specified wallclock runtime limit of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds:
qsub -l walltime=1:2:3 script.sh
- Submit a script that is executed on 2 nodes using 4 cores per node:
qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=4 script.sh
- Submit a script to a specific queue. Note that different queues can have different maximum and minimum runtime limits:
qsub -q queue_name script.sh
qsub [-a start_time]
[-A account]
[-b y|n]
[-e err_path]
[-l resource_list]
[-m mail_options] [-M user_list]
[-N job_name]
[-o out_path]
[-p priority]
[-pe shm task_cnt]
[-P wckey]
[-q destination]
[-r y|n]
[-v variable_list]
[-wd workdir]
[-W additional_attributes]
The qsub submits batch jobs. It is aimed to be feature-compatible with PBS' qsub.
- -a
Earliest start time of job. Format: [HH:MM][MM/DD/YY]
- -A account
Specify the account to which the job should be charged.
- -b y|n
Whether to wrap the command line or not
- -e err_path
Specify a new path to receive the standard error output for the job.
- -I
Interactive execution.
- -J job_array
Job array index values. The -J and -t options are equivalent.
- -l resource_list
Specify an additional list of resources to request for the job.
- -m mail_options
Specify a list of events on which email is to be generated.
- -M user_list
Specify a list of email addresses to receive messages on specified events.
- -N job_name
Specify a name for the job.
- -o out_path
Specify the path to a file to hold the standard output from the job.
- -p priority
Specify the priority under which the job should run.
- -pe shm cpus-per-task
Specify the number of cpus per task.
- -P wckey
Specify the wckey or project of a job.
- -r y|n
Whether to allow the job to requeue or not.
- -t job_array
Job array index values. The -J and -t options are equivalent.
- -v [variable_list]
Export only the specified environment variables. This option can also be used with the -V option to add newly defined environment variables to the existing environment. The variable_list is a comma delimited list of existing environment variable names and/or newly defined environment variables using a name=value format.
- -V
The -V option to exports the current environment, which is the default mode of options unless the -v option is used.
- -wd workdir
Specify the workdir of a job. The default is the current work dir.
- -? | --help
brief help message
- --man
full documentation