qsrotate - Man Page
a log rotation tool (similar to Apache's rotatelogs).
qsrotate -o <file> [-s <sec> [-t <hours>]] [-b <bytes>] [-f] [-z] [-g <num>] [-u <name>] [-m <mask>] [-p] [-d]
qsrotate reads from stdin (piped log) and writes the data to the provided file rotating the file after the specified time.
- -o <file>
Output log file to write the data to (use an absolute path).
- -s <sec>
Rotation interval in seconds, default are 86400 seconds.
- -t <hours>
Offset to UTC (enables also DST support), default is 0.
- -b <bytes>
File size limitation (default/max. are 2147352576 bytes, min. are 1048576 bytes).
- -f
Forced log rotation at the specified interval even no data is written.
- -z
Compress (gzip) the rotated file.
- -g <num>
Generations (number of files to keep).
- -u <name>
Become another user, e.g. www-data. -m <mask> File permission which is either 600, 640, 660 (default) or 664.
- -p
Writes data also to stdout (for piped logging). -d Line-by-line data reading prefixing every line with a timestamp.
TransferLog "|/usr/bin/qsrotate -f -z -g 3 -o /var/log/apache/access.log -s 86400"
The name of the rotated file will be /dest/filee.YYYYmmddHHMMSS where YYYYmmddHHMMSS is the system time at which the data has been rotated.
- Each qsrotate instance must use an individual file.
- You may trigger a file rotation manually by sending the signal USR1 to the process.
See Also
qsdt(1), qsexec(1), qsfilter2(1), qsgeo(1), qsgrep(1), qshead(1), qslog(1), qslogger(1), qsre(1), qsrespeed(1), qspng(1), qssign(1), qstail(1)
Pascal Buchbinder, http://mod-qos.sourceforge.net/
Referenced By
qsdt(1), qsexec(1), qsfilter2(1), qsgeo(1), qsgrep(1), qshead(1), qslog(1), qslogger(1), qspng(1), qsre(1), qsrespeed(1), qssign(1), qstail(1).