pyshacl_validate - Man Page

manual page for PySHACL Version: 0.26.0


usage: pyshacl_validate [-h] [-s [SHACL]] [-e [ONT]]

[-i {none,rdfs,owlrl,both}] [-m] [-im] [-a] [-j] [-it]

[--abort] [--allow-info] [-w] [--max-depth [MAX_DEPTH]] [-d] [-f {human,table,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}] [-df {auto,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}] [-sf {auto,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}] [-ef {auto,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}] [-V] [-o [OUTPUT]] [--server] [DataGraph]

PySHACL 0.26.0 Validator command line tool.

positional arguments


The file containing the Target Data Graph.


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s, --shacl [SHACL]

A file containing the SHACL Shapes Graph.

-e, --ont-graph [ONT]

A file path or URL to a document containing extra ontological information. RDFS and OWL definitions from this are used to inoculate the DataGraph.

-i, --inference {none,rdfs,owlrl,both}

Choose a type of inferencing to run against the Data Graph before validating.

-m, --metashacl

Validate the SHACL Shapes graph against the shaclshacl Shapes Graph before validating the Data Graph.

-im, --imports

Allow import of sub-graphs defined in statements with owl:imports.

-a, --advanced

Enable features from the SHACL Advanced Features specification.

-j, --js

Enable features from the SHACL-JS Specification.

-it, --iterate-rules

Run Shape's SHACL Rules iteratively until the data_graph reaches a steady state.


Abort on first invalid data.

--allow-info, --allow-infos

Shapes marked with severity of Info will not cause result to be invalid.

-w, --allow-warning, --allow-warnings

Shapes marked with severity of Warning or Info will not cause result to be invalid.

--max-depth [MAX_DEPTH]

The maximum number of SHACL shapes "deep" that the validator can go before reaching an "endpoint" constraint.

-d, --debug

Output additional runtime messages.

-f, --format {human,table,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}

Choose an output format. Default is "human".

-df, --data-file-format {auto,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}

Explicitly state the RDF File format of the input DataGraph file. Default="auto".

-sf, --shacl-file-format {auto,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}

Explicitly state the RDF File format of the input SHACL file. Default="auto".

-ef, --ont-file-format {auto,turtle,xml,json-ld,nt,n3}

Explicitly state the RDF File format of the extra ontology file. Default="auto".

-V, --version

Show PySHACL version and exit.

-o, --output [OUTPUT]

Send output to a file (defaults to stdout).


Ignore all the rest of the options, start the HTTP Server. Same as `pyshacl_server`.

See Also

The full documentation for PySHACL is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and PySHACL programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info PySHACL

should give you access to the complete manual.


January 2025 PySHACL Version: 0.26.0