pvfs2-server - Man Page
The PVFS2 file serving, request processing, dancing daemon
pvfs2-server [-d] [-f] [-h] <global_config_file> <local_config_file>
pvfs2-server runs on every node that is part of a PVFS2 volume. A single pvfs2-server can serve as a metadata server or a datafile server, or both.
- -h
print a helpful usage message
- -d
Keeps the server in the foreground. Useful for debugging.
- -f
Server will create the file system storage space and exit.
- global_config_file
Contains defaults applied to all servers.
- local_config_file
Contains settings applied to the local instance of the server.
Please report all bugs to the pvfs2 bugzilla (http://bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/pvfs/)
The PVFS2 development team (pvfs2-developers@beowulf-underground.org)
See Also
pvfs2-server(1), pvfs2-ls(1), pvfs2-statfs(1) pvfs2-ping(1) pvfs2-cp(1) pvfs2-genconfig(1)
Referenced By
orangefs.conf(5), pvfs2(1), pvfs2-genconfig(1), pvfs2-ls(1), pvfs2-ping(1), pvfs2-statfs(1), pvfs2tab(5).