puma - Man Page
manual page for puma version 6.4.2
puma <options> <rackup file>
- -b, --bind URI
URI to bind to (tcp://, unix://, ssl://)
- --bind-to-activated-sockets [only]
Bind to all activated sockets
- -C, --config PATH
Load PATH as a config file
- --no-config
Prevent Puma from searching for a config file
- --control-url URL
The bind url to use for the control server. Use 'auto' to use temp unix server
- --control-token TOKEN
The token to use as authentication for the control server
- --debug
Log lowlevel debugging information
- --dir DIR
Change to DIR before starting
- -e, --environment ENVIRONMENT
The environment to run the Rack app on (default development)
- -f, --fork-worker=[REQUESTS]
Fork new workers from existing worker. Cluster mode only Auto-refork after REQUESTS (default 1000)
- -I, --include PATH
Specify $LOAD_PATH directories
- --idle-timeout SECONDS
Number of seconds until the next request before automatic shutdown
- -p, --port PORT
Define the TCP port to bind to Use -b for more advanced options
- --pidfile PATH
Use PATH as a pidfile
- --preload
Preload the app. Cluster mode only
- --prune-bundler
Prune out the bundler env if possible
- --extra-runtime-dependencies GEM1,GEM2
Defines any extra needed gems when using --prune-bundler
- -q, --quiet
Do not log requests internally (default true)
- -v, --log-requests
Log requests as they occur
- -R, --restart-cmd CMD
The puma command to run during a hot restart Default: inferred
- -s, --silent
Do not log prompt messages other than errors
- -S, --state PATH
Where to store the state details
- -t, --threads INT
min:max threads to use (default 0:16)
- --early-hints
Enable early hints support
- -V, --version
Print the version information
- -w, --workers COUNT
Activate cluster mode: How many worker processes to create
- --tag NAME
Additional text to display in process listing
- --redirect-stdout FILE
Redirect STDOUT to a specific file
- --redirect-stderr FILE
Redirect STDERR to a specific file
- --[no-]redirect-append
Append to redirected files
- -h, --help
Show help