psf2zx - Man Page

convert a PSF font to Spectrum format


psf2zx [--tap] [--naked] [--rom=romfile] [--sna=snapfile] [--mode=bare] [--mode=merge1] [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]


psf2zx converts a PSF font into a font suitable for use on a Sinclair Spectrum.



Sets the output format to Spectrum +3DOS, with a 128-byte header followed by the font data. This is the default output format.


Sets the output format to .TAP (Spectrum emulator tape image). The resulting TAP image will contain a single file called T:font.bin.


Sets the output format to a simple 768-byte binary file will be written, with no header or trailer records.


Sets the output to be a Spectrum ROM, based on the ROM image in romfile. The file written will be a copy of romfile but with the font replaced by the result of psf2zx.

Sets the output to be a .SNA snapshot, based on the snapshot passed as snapfile. The file written will be a copy of snapfile but with the font replaced by the result of psf2zx.

This depends on the CHARS system variable having been set up so that the  game outputs using the ROM routines; if the program in the snapshot uses  some other form of output, it may leave CHARS alone or set it to a random  value. For example, the font in the game 2112 cannot be replaced using this method.


Copies characters 32-127 from the PSF file, without attempting to translate the pound sign, up arrow or copyright symbol. This is the default conversion mode if the source file has no Unicode directory.


Copies characters from the PSF file, converting the pound sign, up arrow and copyright symbol. This is the default conversion if the source file has a  Unicode directory. If this option is selected but the source file has no  Unicode directory, it will be assumed to be using a variant of the ISO-8859-1 codepage with the up-arrow at character position 18h (based on LAT1-08.PSF supplied with Linux).


The behaviour of the 'merge1' mode is ugly when applied to non-Unicode PSF  files.

See Also



John Elliott <>.

Referenced By


21 June, 2008 Version 1.0.8 PSF Tools