profanity-otr - Man Page
Off The Record (OTR) commands to manage keys, and perform OTR encryption during chat sessions.
/otr libver
/otr gen
/otr myfp|theirfp
/otr start [<contact>]
/otr end
/otr trust|untrust
/otr secret <secret>
/otr question <question> <answer>
/otr answer <answer>
/otr policy manual|opportunistic|always [<contact>]
/otr log on|off|redact
/otr char <char>
/otr sendfile on|off
- libver
Show which version of the libotr library is being used.
- gen
Generate your private key.
- myfp
Show your fingerprint.
- theirfp
Show contacts fingerprint.
- start [<contact>]
Start an OTR session with contact, or current recipient if omitted.
- end
End the current OTR session.
- trust|untrust
Indicate whether or not you trust the contact's fingerprint.
- secret <secret>
Verify a contact's identity using a shared secret.
- question <question> <answer>
Verify a contact's identity using a question and expected answer.
- answer <answer>
Respond to a question answer verification request with your answer.
- policy manual
Set the global OTR policy to manual, OTR sessions must be started manually.
- policy manual <contact>
Set the OTR policy to manual for a specific contact.
- policy opportunistic
Set the global OTR policy to opportunistic, an OTR session will be attempted upon starting a conversation.
- policy opportunistic <contact>
Set the OTR policy to opportunistic for a specific contact.
- policy always
Set the global OTR policy to always, an error will be displayed if an OTR session cannot be initiated upon starting a conversation.
- policy always <contact>
Set the OTR policy to always for a specific contact.
- log on|off
Enable or disable plaintext logging of OTR encrypted messages.
- log redact
Log OTR encrypted messages, but replace the contents with [redacted].
- char <char>
Set the character to be displayed next to OTR encrypted messages.
- sendfile on|off
Allow /sendfile to send unencrypted files while in an OTR session.
/otr log off
/otr policy manual
/otr policy opportunistic odin@valhalla.edda
/otr gen
/otr start odin@valhalla.edda
/otr myfp
/otr theirfp
/otr question "What is the name of my rabbit?" fiffi
/otr end
/otr char *