poly-5d.x - Man Page

manual page for poly-5d.x 2.11


poly-5d.x [-<Option-string>] [in-file [out-file]]


This is 'bin/poly-5d.x':  computing data of a polytope P

Options (concatenate any number of them into <Option-string>): h  print this information f  use as filter g  general output:

P reflexive: numbers of (dual) points/vertices, Hodge numbers P not reflexive: numbers of points, vertices, equations

p  points of P v  vertices of P e  equations of P/vertices of P-dual m  pairing matrix between vertices and equations d  points of P-dual (only if P reflexive) a  all of the above except h,f l  LG-`Hodge numbers' from single weight input r  ignore non-reflexive input D  dual polytope as input (ref only) n  do not complete polytope or calculate Hodge numbers i  incidence information s  check for span property (only if P from CWS) I  check for IP property S  number of symmetries T  upper triangular form         N  normal form t  traced normal form computation V  IP simplices among vertices of P* P  IP simplices among points of P* (with 1<=codim<=# when # is set) Z  lattice quotients for IP simplices #  #=1,2,3  fibers spanned by IP simplices with codim<=# ## ##=11,22,33,(12,23): all (fibered) fibers with specified codim(s)

when combined: ### = (##)#

A  affine normal form B  Barycenter and lattice volume [# ... points at deg #] F  print all facets G  Gorenstein: divisible by I>1 L  like 'l' with Hodge data for twisted sectors U  simplicial facets in N-lattice U1 Fano (simplicial and unimodular facets in N-lattice) U5 5d fano from reflexive 4d projections (M lattice) C1 conifold CY (unimodular or square 2-faces) C2 conifold FANO (divisible by 2 & basic 2 faces) E  symmetries related to Einstein-Kaehler Metrics

Input:    degrees and weights `d1 w11 w12 ... d2 w21 w22 ...'

or `d np' or `np d' (d=Dimension, np=#[points]) and


July 2024 poly-5d.x 2.11